HELLO! Welcome to my humble home page. This is YOUR best resource to ME while I am in Tanzania. I will most probably be busy singing "Hakuna Matata" as I am chased by a herd of wild elephants, swarms of malaria infested mosquitos, my students and God only knows what else. So if you don't hear from me in a while it's not because I hate your guts and hope to never hear from you again it's because I'm so busy trying to stay alive I don't have time to write regularly to everyone. I will do my best. So to keep everyone as best updated as I can while I am away this web page will assure even if you don't hear from me personally on a regular basis you can at least check up on me here. Oh yeah and I've added a few track photos for all of you running buffs out there. You'll find them under tidbits.
Number of Vistors Since 12-13-98
this page was last revised 6/30/99
E-MAIL: tshaw2001@hotmail.com
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