Well, you found our page! Congrads. You are probably wondering about us, why we started this group, and why we chose Physics as our theme. I admit that it does sound a little strange. Here is an account of our story.
Our first members, Crystal Steele and Ryan Listerman met in High school. They lost track of each other, but later were reunited in College. They tried to start a band called the Skull O'Cheeze. Crystal played the guitar and the keyboard, Ryan played the drums and the bass guitar. To do so ment that for all songs they had to do two recordings and then meld them together. Although the their first song "We are the Skull O'Cheeze" was a big hit and still flows through the mind of the original fans, the second song "Motzerella Fella" was a major flop and they lost their recording contract. Ryan wanted to throw in the towel and give up, but Crystal just wouldn't give up on their talent. She knew that one day they would have a famous band and be adored by millions. Crystal worked in the Physics Department at the University her dreams were mostly Physics related. Ryan was taking Physics classes as well. When Crystal started making up Physics songs and singing them to tease Ryan, they knew that they would once again take a stab at stardom. The name of the band was chosen from a Physics lab--Atomic Spectra. Crystal changed her named to Kypton and Ryan changed his to Radon. Now you know our story.
The rest of the page is stilll under construction. Come back soon, and we will have the lyrics to our songs posted on this page. Possibly in the near future we will also have sound clips of our songs on this page as well.
Here is a picture of us giving a concert.
But now for your viewing entertainment, we would like you to see (or steal) some animations that we have collected. Click here
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