Download the entire Zoo for offline reading! (Approx 350k zip file - download time should be under 2 minutes with a 28.8k modem. Unzip to a convenient folder on you hard drive, then point your browser at it.)
Or, for a breath of (virtual) fresh air, try my Virtual Kite Festival.
And if you're waxing poetical, here's my Kite Poetry Anthology.
Also in a literary vein, I have a translation of a little of Les Cerfs-Volants (The Kites) by Romain Gary. A lovely story about an old French kitemaker, knicknamed "the potty postman".
Here, though, you will also find the Virtual Kite Zoo Plans and Pics collections, and the Curator's page - find out a bit about me and my family, and how I got interested in kites. The plans and pics are ones I have collected myself - the Zoo contains hotlinks to many more scattered across the net.
A couple of other websites I maintain are my church website - All Saints, Harpenden and Posters Plus - a one page site advertising my cousin's book. See also The Random Jottings of Tony Tenore for a few miscellaneous pieces, mainly in a humerous vein, and mainly related to my membership of the St Albans Bach Choir.
A little while ago I did some research on the variability of results obtained by different people with the Flowform plans. I sent out a questionnaire to rec.kites and email, followed by a couple of extra questions to all those who answered. Here is a synthesis of the original questionaire with the additional questions added. Here are my conclusions, the results as an Excel spreadsheet, and as raw text (with fields separated by tabs, for easy import to your favourite spreadsheet). In case you don't have Excel or a spreadsheet that will import Excel, here and here are the plots of the results. Or you can get a free Excel viewer from Bill.