~  My Hobbies  ~


If the aviation and computers are both your hobbies, you're probably ended up using flight simulators - just like me! I've been fond of the Aviation and the airplanes since my first flight (in AN-2 crop-duster plane; I was about 5 years old and the pilot was an old friend of my dad :-)
I've been hooked ever since.

I've been using PC flight simulators since the time I've got my first computer. I've tried all sorts of combat simulators, but my true love are the civilian and airline simulators, where everything is "as real as it gets". The first one I saw (and played) was Flight Simulator 1, which fitted on one 360KB floppy disk; then MS Flight Simulator 5.1, then 6.0; and now I'm using MS Flight Simulator 2000.

The Microsoft Flight Simulator is my favorite, because it is an open system. I've downloaded tons of airplanes, add-ons and tools from the Net; I've created my own panel, and maps, and even airport - and all this can double the pleasure of playing. I enjoy the realistic feel of this simulator; planning my cross-country flight; popping out of clouds and finding the airport right below me.

Cyber Air Logo I am proud to be a member of the Cyber Air virtual airline - ORD hub.

Check my links page for a list of aviation-related links.

Check my flight plans page to download my favorite flight plan forms.

Computer Graphics

Although I've always been fascinated by the computer graphics (especially by the 3D variety), I've only recently started playing with it myself.

Take a look at my Gallery Page for a list of my creations. Also check the links page for my favorite 3D-links.

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