Another fine example of a completed project is Dan Glandt's volksplane!
- Volksplane
- Dan at the controls
In addition to the N3N that Ron Kempka is restoring and the pictures of his tail fins which can be accessed above, here are two pictures of his flying N3N, N44848. Many people get the N3N and a Stearman aircraft confused. They are, however, two different aircraft. Click on either address to view Ron's plane.
- N44848 left view
- N44848 right view
Young Eagles Program
The National Experimental Aircraft Association set the ambitious goal of flying 1,000,000 kids between the ages of 8 and 17 by the end of the year 2003. The goal came very close to being met. Since then kids are still being introduced to flying through the Young Eagles Program. Each child who receives a young eagles flight is awarded a certificate of the accomplishment, a picture of he or she with their pilot, and his or her name is entered into the worlds largest logbook. In order to continue providing an introduction to aviation to kids, each chapter or EAA member still flies as many kids each year as they are comfortable with at no charge to the child, always considering weather, time of year, and foremost, safety.
Chapter 342 has in the past, flown children on several Saturdays during the coarse of a year. Goals have been established as to the number of rides to be given each year, and the goals have always been exceeded.
Dates for the 2009 Young Eagles flights have not yet been determined.
Please check back here periodically for an update on this program, or for more information , please contact Larry Johnson, Young Eagles Coordinator, (307) 632-6091.
Here are some photos of Keith White and Larry Johnson giving Young Eagles flights.
Aircraft Database
If you need information on existing aircraft, or if you need to look to see if a tail number might already be in use, please try this FAA
Some Aviation Links of Interest
Experimental Aircraft Association
Federal Aviation Administration
Mustang Aeronautics, Inc.
Sport Flyer
Van's Aircraft, Inc.
For further information on any message shown below, simply click on it
Click here for the current weather in Wyoming or around the country:
Current weather nationwide
Current radar for the Cheyenne, Wyoming area:
Radar or regional composite radar: Regional Composite Radar
EAA Chapter 342 does not endorse any of the sites linked through this program, nor can it guarantee the accuracy of any information found on any of these sites. Links are constantly changing. If you find a link that is no longer valid, please send e-mail or comments to John Nunley
For Further information on EAA Chapter 342, EAA in general, the Young Eagles program, or questions about this site, please send email to: John Nunley
Photographs were provided by Brian Sword, Cheyenne, Wyoming, and the late Fred Hutson, Bakersfield, California.
This site was last updated on March 23, 2009
Number of visitors to this site since January, 2004:
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