A Review of Alzheimer's Disease


For Jess Deegan II and Biopsych

By Anna Loscotoff


What is Alzheimer's Disease (AD)?


What are neurofibillary tangles (NTs)?



The above image comes from Sheng et al. (1997) is as follows, "Photomicrographs of hippocampal tissue sections dual-immunolabeled either for tau2 (red) and S100B (Brown (left column): or for tau2 (red) and IL-1alpha (brown) (right column). IL-1alpha+microglia (arrows) and S100B+ astrocytes (arrows) are associated with tau2+ tangles representing each of the 4 defined stages of tangle formation. N= normal neurons without discernible tau immunoreactivity; So= neurons with stage 0 tangles; S1= neurons with stage 1 tangles; S2- neurons with stage 2 tangles; S3= extracellular stage 3 tangles. Bar= 10u." For more information on this subject, or about this particular picture, please see the web address below under Sheng et al., 1997.


What are Senile Plaques/Lesions?



What are some of the ideas behind the research of AD?


Microglial Cells

Amyloid Beta Peptide

*APOE-2 and -3 are considered good proteins as they help to maintain healthy nerve cells. (5)

*APOE-4 is considered a bad protein as it fails to maintain nerve cells, which then leads to AD. (5)

*APOE-4 is found in brain-damaged boxers as well as AD. (3)

*APOE-4 is thought to be connected with the acceleration of AD. (3)

*APOE-4 is considered by some to possibly be the greatest risk factor in AD with individuals under the age of 70. (5)

PS1 and PS2

Nitric Oxide



For more information on the research that is being done on Alzheimer's disease, please visit The Alzheimer's Research Forum Homepage at http://www.alzforum.org/members/index.html



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  2. Dipatre, P. L., & Gelman, B. B. (1997). Microglial cell activation in aging and Alzheimer disease: Partial linkage with neurofibrillary tangle burden in the hippocampus. The Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, February. Reproduced at http://www.alzforum.org/members/research/neuro/dipat/index.htm
  3. Holden, C. (ed.) (1997). Boxer genes. Science, July 18; 277: 321 (in Random Samples.)
  4. Jasny, B. R. (1995). In transition. Science, October 20; 270: 359 (in Editorial.)
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  7. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 97 Encyclopedia. (1997). Alzheimer's Disease. © 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation.
  8. Pennisi, E. (1997). Immune gene ties to Alzheimer's. Science, September 5; 277: 1441 (in Random Samples.)
  9. Robert S. Haldeman Laboratory for AD Research. (Found 9/13/97). The Robert S. Haldeman laboratory for Alzheimer's research. Found at http://www.public.asu.edu/~flaco/ad2.html
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  13. Sheng, J. G., Mrak, R. E., & Griffin, W. S. T. (1997). Glial-neuronal interactions in Alzheimer Disease: Progressive association of IL-1alpha+ microglia and S100B+ astrocytes with neurofibrillary tangle stages. The Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, March. Reproduced at http://www.alzforum.org/members/research/neuro/sheng/index.htm
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  16. Wickelgren, I. (1997). Estrogen: A new weapon against Alzheimer's. Science, May 2; 276: 676-677.


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