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Dental Health

Keep your natural teeth as long as possible by brushing and flossing daily

message from Dr. Philip Gin, DDS, < 2043-D, Anderson Rd, Davis, CA 95616. phone (530)753-0877.

Common problem most people have:
. ..... GUM DISEASE: ( gingivitis and periodontitis). It means bacteria in the gum eating the gum, the teeth, and the bone. It makes the teeth loose and eventually pain and falls off. The way to solve it is to brush, floss, rinse with listerine, and massage the gum with a gum stimulaton 5 times a day.

How to Avoid A Caviity:
...... You shouldn't eat candy. Try not to drink soft drinks. If you do , brush immediately. Leave toothpaste in the mouth. Do not rinse it off. Let it work in the mouth. Just spit out the excess. If you have cavity already, get it filled by a dentist.

Information on dentistry:
. .... Dentistry is divided into Operative Dentistry (fillings), Fixed Posthetics (crown and bridges), Endodontics (root canal therapy), Removable Posthetics (denture), Pedodontic (baby teeth), Oral surgery (extraction), orthodontic (braces), periodontic (gum disease) and many others.
. .....

TEETH information:
...... Most people have 32 teeth. There are three molars on each side, two premolars, one canine, and two incisors( front teeth). There are a total of four sides (4 quadrants: Upper and lower left and right).)


. ..... If you have a small cavity, you need a filling. If you have a big cavity, you need a crown ( a cap) to prevent the tooth to break into pieces. If the cavity is too deep into the nerve, you need a root canal therapy-- to remove the nerve in the root canal.

. .... A filling costs about $30-100, a crown costs about $50-1000, root canal costs $600-1000, a bridge is 3 or more crowns together. so it is at least $2000. Extraction is $100. A denture is $1000. Braces is $3000.
. ..... To prevent problem with teeth, you need to brush your teeth 5 times a day for 3 minutes, and floss your teeth 5 times a day to prevent gum disease.

. ..... If you are in pain, you may buy a tube of ORAGEL from the supermarket or pharmacist and apply. If you have a cavity, you may buy DenTemp from the supermarket and put it in your tooth until you see your dentist.

. .... A tooth volume can be estimated as 10mm x 10mm x 10mm. A cavity size 1mm x 1mm x 1mm can give you pain. But with that size cavity, can must have a filling 2mm x 2mm x 2mm + 2mm x 2mm x 10 mm to cover it. It means if you have a cavity of 1% of your tooth, you may need a filling of 20% of your tooth. It is not a good deal. My advice to you is to brush and floss your teeth well. Get a check up yearly and have your dentist clean your teeth yearly at least.

...... BRACES: You may start seeing orthodontist to put braces on at age 8. Best time is age 12.

... TMJ Disorder: pain on jaw joint. Causes could be bruxism, too uptight emotionally, occulsion problem. There is not much cure.

.... You may ask dentists questions using electronic mail internet news bulletin board --newsgroup, e.g. sci-med-dentistry.

....Dentists do not need to use much math. But math is great. Dentists use math in drug calculation, and in accounting. Dentists and dentistry researchers use math in dental -material science , engineering evaluation, and statistic. Yet math needs to be promoted more in dentistry.

. .... If you would like to know the address of the Kumon Math, here it is:
Kumon Math & Reading Center: 917 Third Street Davis, Ca 95616 Telephone: (530) 757-2831

I will be improving my web page in the future For question and suggestion, my email address is Thank you for visiting. Be happy and brush your teeth!

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