Dr. Magnus L. Johnson

Scarborough Centre for Coastal Studies


I'm afraid that these pages are a little out of date - for more up to date details of my activities, please see the Scarborough Centre for Coastal Studies web pages.Please feel free to browse through some of my recent academic and working experiences. My first publication was the result of a collaborative cruise with BRIDGE on the, Akademic Mstislev Keldysh and describes the electrophysiological responses of the vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata to different colours of light (Download it as a PDF file here . My Ph.D. consisted of a study of vision in deepsea decapods, most of which I gathered during a cruise on the RV Discovery As a break from my Ph.D. I spent a year as residential co-director of Hofstra University Marine Lab. After completing my studies I spent three months on board a South African registered longline fishing vessel fishing around the South Georgia Islands as an MRAG observer.

In 1998-99 as a voluntary scientific coordinator with the Shoals of Capricorn Programme in the Seychelles and Mauritius. This is a programme that was initiated by the Royal Geographic Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) in association with the Royal Society and the governments of Seychelles and Mauritius.

The best deep-sea website I have seen to date is here

Member of Scientists for Global Responsibility

Email me at m.johnson@hull.ac.UK.



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