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Home Page of Subhash

An Introduction

Laser light show I am a Laser Physicist hailing from the south of India - from Trivandrum(or Thiruvananthapuram as it called by the natives) in Kerala, and am working in a quasi-government R&D institute known as the Centre for Earth Science Studies, since 1980. As you could(n't) guess, I am young at 46 and live with my wife, Usha, and two kids, Hari and Hema. We had a Lhaso Apso pet dog (Pappu) and a cat(Brownie. But they are no more now.. but the memory remains. You could see some photos of Pappu in my Family Album. My wife is very much interested in music and she is a member of Madhurima Family Music Club in Trivandrum. She works as Counter Supervisor at the Trivandrum office of Oman Airways.
Sun Shines in Kerala Kerala is described by the State Tourism Board as "Gods Own Country" - for whatever reason it is. However still, it is a fascinating place to be in - with a long stretch of beach (about 600 km) on its west coast, with associated backwaters, lakes and mountain ranges on the east.. Kerala is the land of Keras (Coconut palms). Kovalam and Varkala beaches attract a large number of tourists every year. Kalaripayattu the mother of all martial arts had its origin in Kerala. It is still surviving against the tide of changing times. Of late, a lot of Indians and a good many foreigners have taken a new interest in Kalaripayattu.
Mother Tongue! Our mother tongue is Malayalam (please note it spells the same from left or right) and hence or otherwise, the people of Kerala are known as Mallus outside the country. We Keralites/Malayalies are basically rice eaters, and love rich spicy food. Kerala has the distinction of being the state with maximum literacy rate and minimum child mortality rate in India. Being plundered by alternate Communist and Congress (LDF or UDF) governments, the state never had a good industrial climate and depends on its Non-Resident population (NRI) for its affluence and prosperity!!


My Interest:
Scientific Fluorescence Imaging of Plants and Agro-food is what I am presently working on. Laser beams are used to excite fluorescence from plants . The intensity ratios of the blue, green and chlorophyll fluorescence bands are used to determine minute plant physiological changes due to stresses from changing environmental/growth conditions, much ahead of the appearance of visible symptoms.. and that, I believe, can be used by the growers/farmers to save the plants from dying.
This technique is currently being developed for large area remote sensing of crops lands and forests from gound-operated/airborne platforms. It also finds application in the remote detection of agro-food quality from harvesting to ripening and during storage. And last but not the least, in early detection of cancer!!


All about me:

Family Album
More about me
My Italian connection
My visit to Karlsruhe, Germany
My visit to Lund, Sweden
My visit to Zurich, Switzerland
My recent trip to Ooty, Tamil Nadu
Firenze - A must see place!!
Some pictures I like


My Favourite Links:

What ever you wanted to know about photosynthesis
University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Institute of Optics, Firenze, Italy
Home Page of Prof. Govindjee
Sap flow measurements of Stefan Lang
Homepage of Sarah Thomas
Bioinformatics Centre, Pune University, India
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India
Art gallery for homepage designers
Send Greetings to your friends
Kerala Tourism Information
Shockwave Animations


A teaser for any science lover!!


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Mail boxsubhashn.geo@yahoo.com

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Last Modified On January 20, 2004

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