This page is set up for a Shadowrun PBEM I am running.

Although it was only mid-morning, the temperature had already risen enough to make the two men wish that they begun their hike earlier. The walk through the overgrown vegetation and rough terrain was difficult. Both men were glad that this was likely the last trip that they would have to make this far on foot. As the morning wore on and the sun moved higher in the sky, they stopped to rest for a moment. It was hard to see the signs now, but this had once been a village of almost 100 people. Now, only the foundations of a few houses were visible, time having removed all other traces that anyone had ever called this home.

A few minutes later, the men got up and continued on, careful to remain on the path that they and others had blazed over the last few monthes. About an hour later, they reached the camp site and dropped their packs and took another drink from their canteens. Neither of them noted the utter silence that greeted them there until later. At first they were content to sit and rest for a bit. After a bit though, they got up.

Eric headed down the side of the hill to the dig site to find Miguel John, and Sharon.

Steve, after a brief stop at the latrine, was just about to walk in to the coomunications tent when he heard the frantic shouting. As he ran down the side of the hill he almost ran into Eric running back up at him, his eyes wide with fright. Eric grabbed him as he went by, and almost dragged him back up the hill behind him. The two men reached the crest of the hill and ran back to the camp site. It was a few minutes before Eric was able to speak coherently. When he was finished, Steve, his hands trembling, pulled a small radio from his pack and made a frantic call back to the ship.

It was almost an hour before word got back to the man in Atlanta. The conversation that followed sparked an enormous amount of activity. Calls were made, and within another hour a decision had been made, and one more call made. Forty five minutes after that, your LTG begins to flash signifying that you have an incoming message..........

The plot

John Jeta, a field researcher for a private foundation, has disappeared while on assignment on the Caribbean Island of Montserrat. The island, heavily damaged from extensive volcanic activity that occured early in the 2020's, is thought to be unoccupied.

The head of the foundation is recruiting a team to go down and investigate the scene of Jeta's disapearance and find out what happened.

The Game

This is a 3rd edition Shadowrun game for 4-6 players. The PCs will be operating in an environment very different than the typical cities of the sixth world. There may run into weird and potent magic, awakened critters unheard of in the rest of the world, and smugglers and/or pirates. The environment itself may at times work against them as they race to find out what happened to the missing scientist.

A few years ago I attempted to run this game in a PBEM with mixed results, mainly due to my own inexperience with GMing and with the PBEM format in particular. I am going to give it a try again now that I have a little more experience with PBEMs, so if you are interested, read the Character Creation FAQ and send me a character background ASAP.

Send me mail.

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