My company does not offer any web space for me. I do not have an Internet connection at home. So I have to use this service to put my thoughts, remarks and tools in the web...
I'm currently building up these pages, so please do not mind some strange colours or this simple design...
By the way, I do not believe that already
users have had a look at this page.
It must have been me myself ;-)
Email me at To avoid spam, I do not include a mailto on this page ;-)
This is a small test virus, which should be built in every virus scanner. It does no harm to any computer and is only used to test the scanners. You can use it yourself by putting the String
in a file with the extension ".COM".
Click here to download. GeoCities does not allow to upload a .com file, so I named it "eicar.doc".
As nearly everybody knows how to convert an encrypted Cisco 7 password to cleartext, I do not harm anybody by adding another tool... I just put the algorithm in an Excel sheet. As this dammned Excel has no way to do useful calculations (XOR, for example), I had to use some tricks... Download this 44kByte Excel95 tool.
Yes, there is a Y2k bug.
The whole world is celebrating the next Millennium, though it starts one year later. Read why they are wrong
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