Junior Weather Observer

Visit the new weather conditions page! It features forecasts for all of our members' hometowns!

Thanks for stopping in! This will give you a brief history of the Junior Weather Observer. The JWO was created in 1991 by Mike Colclough of Lynnfield, MA. He wanted to create a forum for students that have an interest in weather. Our main means of communication is through our newsletter. We now have members from all around the country and Canada!!

Many changes have occurred within the past 7 years, but we are still around!!!! The officers of the JWO currently are: Steve Marquardt, of Mukwonago, WI; (President); Chris Washebek of Delafield, WI (Vice President, Webmaster, and Assistant Editor); Dan Biggio of Boxford, MA (Data Editor); and our newest member - Kevin Geiss of Wales, WI (Columnist). The JWO is now back in order and the next issue will be going out shortly

-Chris Washebek Vice-President, Assistant Editor, and Webmaster--- LAST UPDATED: July 20, 1998

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© 1997 washebekc@kmis.kmsd.edu

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