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Remote Control Helicopter Home

Hey Everyone! This page displays some of my remote control (R/C) helicopters and some links to other fascinating R/C helicopter sites.

I have always been interested in building things and remote control cars were the first major things that I built. I worked on many different ones for many years. Then I looked for a new challenge and moved to boats and airplanes. Then I finally was able to save up enough money to buy a helicopter, and I have been hooked ever since. This is my newest and greatest hobby. Take a look around. See what my helicopters are like and then sign my guestbook! Thanx for visiting!

Well, I finally did it. I tried to do a minor stunt and crashed my Shuttle ZXX. For any of you who have seen the most recent pictures of it, don't worry, I wasn't flying with the new body. I put the old one on because I couldn't imagine doing stunts with that one (after all the work I put into it). My first priority is to buy replacement parts. For any beginners out there, I paid approximately $1000 for the heli and radio brand new (un-built). Then I have probably put another $1000 into upgrades and extra parts. This crash wasn't too serious, but I expect that it will cost me another $300 to $500 for standard parts, up to $1000 if I upgrade all the parts that broke. But the crash was a new experience for me! I have never had a big crash, until now. But I almost got the stunt to work!! So, I will definitely be trying again and probably crashing again.

I also finished the new body of the X-Cell 60. Some of those pictures are here.

On top of all this, I bought a new helicopter. I swore I was done buying them, but this one is so small I just couldn't resist. It is a ECO Piccolo. It is a small battery powered heli. Click here for more information and pictures of it.

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Or to go straight to the Helicopter Pictures:

The Kite     The Concept 30     The Piccolo     ZXX - Original Body
ZXX - New Body     X-Cell 60 - Original Body     X-Cell 60 - New Body
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This page was last updated on Saturday, August 26, 2000.

I have had Counter hits since September 1997.

This site is designed, created, updated, and owned by Morris Web Design and RCHeliman.
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