Vultures Row - Robin Lee's fantastic site that has a wide variety of topics concerning naval aviation, including links to other great naval aviation pages. Not been updated for some time but still a valuable source of information.
Blue Angels ~ Home of the Blues. (Note to the airshow commitee
at NAS Whidbey: how about the Navy flight demo team next year?.
Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, WA - My home away from home. Home to all Navy EA-6B squadrons
Naval Air Station Oceana, VA ~ Home to all F-14 squadrons
Naval Station Everett, WA - Navy's newest carrier homeport and home to the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) battle group. Info on all the ships based there.
Naval Air Station Lemoore ~ West coast base for all F/A-18 squadrons.
Naval Air Station Fallon ~ Home to the Naval Strike Warfare Center
Dash 2 Aviation Photography ~ Rick Llinares specializes in aviation photography and has had photos in numerous magazines and is known for his "Warfighters" series of books and "Above and Beyond" calendars.
Jolly Rogers Past and Present- Mark Donaldson's tribute to the Jolly Rogers, one of the all time favorite Tomcat squadrons. Lot's of photos and info here.
Buzz Nau's Home Page - Buzz has a good assortment of pictures and links to his navy days aboard USS Midway (we can save her from the cutter's torch and turn this grand old lady into a museum) check his page out for more info
The VA-95 Green Lizards Page ~ Very well put together site on The Green Lizards of VA-95 by former member Thomas Tye. A must see for any ex-Lizards or A-6 Intruder fans.
The VA-36 Roadrunners Page ~ Unofficial site for the Roadrunners of VA-36, in particular the A-6 Intruder days.
VA-145 Swordsmen Page ~ Steve Beals great site about VA-145 with links to other A-6 and navy sites.
VA-155 Silver Foxes Tribute Page ~ One of my other sites dedicated to the VA-155 Silver Foxes. A look at the short 6 year history of the former A-6 Intruder squadron.
Tomcat Alley - A great source for info the mighty Grumman cat. Site is run by David Mark Davies and has info on other navy aircraft too.. A must see for any Turkey fan.
Pardon My Intrusion ~ Bill Watkins Tribute to the Mighty Grumman A-6 Intruder. Includes photos sorted by squadron and a good many links to other Intruder sites. Bill used to fly the A-6 as a B/N
A-6 Intruder Country ~ One of the Definitive sites on the A-6 Intruder. Much to see here.
The Unofficial Medium Weapons Det Page ~ Dedicated to all the personnell that supported pilot and BN training in the A-6 Intruder.
Carrier Aviation News
~ Dave McCandles great site on the locations and status of all the current
and planned/building aircraft carriers.
Tailhook Association - the place for more information about The
Tailhook Association and upcoming convention in Reno, NV.
USS BonHomme Richard
(CV/CVA-31) ~ The site is a thorough history of USS BonHomme Richard
There are three photo pages, nine patch pages, and a page for the history
of the ship.
USS Forrestal Museum Inc (CV-59) ~ site devoted to the USS Forrestal (FID) and the ongoing efforts to turn her into a museum in Baltimore.
USS Saratoga Association ~ site for CV-3 and CV-60 USS Saratoga. The purpose of the U.S.S. Saratoga Association is to perpetuate and honor the memory of two great fighting ships,and to hold an Annual Reunion of Saratoga Shipmates in order to enable members to maintain contact with other Shipmates.
USS Ranger ~ John Guys version of a USS Ranger. Worth a visit.
USS Ranger ~ unofficial homepage for CV-61 put together by Robert Wood Jr. Includes histories of all ships to bear the name.
USS Ranger ~ Chuck Vore's site devoted to his former ship. Many pictures taken by Chuck and members of the Rangers photo dept. Also some sound bites that came over the 1MC during the desert storm cruise. Ranger was the first carrier I ever stepped foot on and one of my favourites. Chuck's site is very well set up and definitely worth making a trap on.
USS America (CV-66) Carrier Veterans Association ~ The objectives of the Association are to provide social and recreational activities for its members, to perpetuate the memory of deceased veterans who served aboard AMERICA, and to locate and communicate with former shipmates.
Canadian Aircraft Carriers ~ Evan Boudreau's excellent site on
Canadian aircraft carriers. Canada no longer is in the carrier club
but there is excellent reading and pictures of the ships of Canada's navy
and the aircraft that flew from their decks.
USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) ~ Forward Deployed to Yokuska Japan, and one of the few remaining conventional carriers left, The Hawk's homepage is here
USS Constellation (CV-64) ~ Interesting site for "America's Flagship" that includes info on the ships in Connie's Battlegroup. Connie is currently homeported in San Diego, CA
USS Enterprise (CVN-65) ~ The Big "E". The Pineapple in a box island may be no more but the Enterprise is still one of the most easily recognized carriers with her distictive square island. She is and was named after one of the most famous ships in history...and I if you think I'm talking Jim Kirk's ship, seek help.
USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) ~ Lots of nice photos here, worth making a trap on.
USS Nimitz (CVN-68) ~ virtually everything you'd ever want to know about the ship, airwing and Nimitz Association. Teamwork... a Nimitz Tradition. Undergoing refit in VA.
USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) ~ "IKE" was the first carrier named for an army General but hey, he was a president too. Ike was also the first carrier to have a compliment of women permanently assigned.
USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) ~ homeported at Bremerton WA, very nicely laid out site.
USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) ~ few graphics on this site but a few nice pictures and fair amount of info here.
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) ~ Homeported in Everett, WA. A great and very informative site on the ship.
USS George Washington CVN-73 ~ Only the USS Jefferson is needed to bring Mt Rushmore to the carrier fleet. A very nicely laid out front page.
USS John Stennis (CVN-74) ~ Ok, someone has to say it.....Stennis anyone?
USS Harry Truman (CVN-75)
~ The Navy's newest carrier.
VF-2 Bounty Hunters ~ Though an "unofficial" homepage, site has much info on the squadron.
VF-14 Tophatters~ Tophatters homepage with excellent graphics, not to be missed.
VF-31 Tomcatters ~ Felix for the Oceana Based Tomcatters flying the F-14D
VF-32 Swordsmen ~ Official site of the Swordsmen of VF-32, tactical call sign "GYPSIES". Nice photos on their page.
VF-101 Grim Reapers ~ Site for the Oceana based F-14 RAG
VF-154 Black Knights ~ Forward deployed to Japan, CVW-5's F-14 contingent.
VFA-25 Fist of the Fleet ~ Sharp eyed movie goers will recognize their insignia on F-14's in the movie Top Gun.
VFA-27 Royal Maces ~ Forward Deployed aboard USS Independence and based in Atsugi, Japan.
VFA-34 Blue Blasters ~ The only east coast unit to convert to the F/A-18 from the A-6 Intruder
VFA-37 Bulls~ Home of da Bulls...
VFA-82 Marauders~ homeported at NAS Cecil Feild flying the F/A-8C
VFA-94 Mighty Shrikes ~ Assigned to CVW-11 and USS Carl Vinson.
VFA-106 Gladiators~ RAG for the east coast Hornet community
VFA-113 Stingers ~ Just beginning a deployment with CVW-14 and Abraham Lincoln CVN-72
VFA-115 Eagles ~ recently converted to the F/A-18 Hornet, the Eagles of VFA-115 are the only former west coast A-6 Intruder squadron to survive. EFR!!
VFA-122 Flying Eagles ~ Recently Established as the F/A-18E/F "Super Hornet" RAG
VFA-125 Rough Raiders ~ West coast RAG for the F/A-18 Hornet based at NAS Lemoore CA.
VFA-131 Wildcats ~ Currently aboard the USS John C. Stennis on a around the world cruise as part of CVW-7.
VFA-137 Kestrals ~ part of the CVW-2 aboard USS Constellation.
VAQ-128 Fighting Phoenix ~ Arising from the ashes of VA-128, The Fighting Phoenix is one of four joint expeditionary squadrons established with both Navy and Air Force crews.
VAQ-129 Vikings ~ FRS squadron based at NAS Whidbey Island providing EA-6B crews to the fleet.
VAQ-130 Zappers ~ Long time member of CVW-3 and one of the oldest Electronic warfare squadrons.
VAQ-131 Lancers~part of CVW-2 aboard USS Constellation (CV-64)
VAQ-132 Scorpions ~ Scorp central
VAQ-133 Wizards ~ Reborn in April of '96, the Wizards are back jammin'
VAQ-135 Black Ravens ~ Whidbey Island Based Prowlers
VAQ-137 Rooks ~ The Rooks are Back! Reborn Oct '96 with the demise of the Air Force's EF-111 Raven
VAQ-138 Yellowjackets ~ currently aboard USS Nimitz on her around the world cruise.
VAQ-139 Cougars ~ a long time member of CVW-14.
VAQ-140 Patriots ~ home of the Patriots of NAS Whidbey
VAQ-141 Shadowhawks ~ an integral part of CVW-8, the Shadowhawks recently celebrated their 10th anniversary.
Helicopter Anitsubmarine
Squadrons (HS)
HS-11 Dragon Slayers ~ Currently assigned to CVW-1 aboard the George Washington (CVN-73). Granted they don't have tailhooks but they are an important part of the air wing.
VS-22 Checkmates ~ Vidar (tactical call sign) central
VS-29 Dragonfires ~ CVW-11's Viking contingent. Will soon deploy aboard USS Carl Vinson.
VS-31 Topcats ~ The Topcat's of VS-31 flying the S-3B Viking.
VS-32 Maulers ~ Currently assigned to CVW-1 aboard the USS George Washington.
VS-33 Screwbirds ~ Recently back from their around the world deployment in Nimitz. Still the world famous Screwbirds.
VS-35 Blue Wolves ~ Youngest of the S-3 squadrons.
VS-38 Red Griffins ~ site currently under construction
VS-41 Shamrocks ~
FRS squadron based at NAS North Island, CA
AIrborne Early Warning
VAW-123 Screwtops ~ Recently returned home from deployment with USS George Washington
VAW-124 Bear Aces ~ CVW-8's E-2C representative.
VAW-126 Seahawks ~ Home of Sammy the Seahawk, and CVW-3's E-2C's
Dealers and Miscellanious
Quizmo's ~ Quizmo's deals in both Air Force and Navy patches and a few other items. Co-run by William "Whitey" White, ex A-6 B/N that's now flying Strike Eagles on exchange duty.
Plane Crazy Enterprises ~ Dealer in a wide variety of military memorabilia, but mostly naval aviation.
Chief's military aircraft stuff- site
operated by Bruce Williams. Bruce specializes in the "redistribution" of
military aircraft parts. Has a nice selection of photos of these parts
so you can see what they look like.
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