The Bed Light Story
The Bed Light Story
One of the problems with the Toyota Tacoma, is that it does not come with a bed light, (Handy for the mid-night BBQ's) One thing lead to another and I decided to fabrcate a bed light. Using a Bycicle Reflector, and some time, I fab'd this dandy bed light. Here is how it works:
The third brake light on the Tacoma has three bulbs in it
I re-wired the two out board lights to come on with the dome light, (The closest and cleanest switch I could find at the time)
With some cutting, I cut out two squares in the 3rd break light lens, about the size needed for each out board light .
Using the Bycicle reflector as "lens stock", I hand cut two squares that fit nicely into the squares of the 3rd break light lens.
Sealed with silicon sealer, and there you have it.
Now the 3rd break light still works, (Via the center bulb). And the bycicle lens help to shine more of the light onto the bed.
Click here for a larger view of the bed light!
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