Karácsonyi András - 12/25/00 20:35:23
My Email:modellinfo@matavnet.hu
Favourite of Pictures: Mi-8m
Interests: Heli's, Jets and Armor
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: H-37 Mojave
Gratulálok! Remélem az évek során minél több, ilyen igényesen elkészített modellel találkozok ezen az oldalon. Mindamellett örülnék, ha Magyarországon minél többen készítenének hasonló színvonalon maketteket. Üdv a Modell és Makett Magazin Nevében: K.A. főszerkesztő
Patrick - 06/11/00 12:57:38
Interests: flying on sunny afternoons
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: F-15 Hornet
Good page, needs more planes of the glorious luftwaffe.
- 02/28/00 15:29:19
LARUE JL - 02/10/00 20:48:20
My Email:laruejl@village.uunet.be
Interests: Aircrafts 1/72
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: USN JETS (gray/white)
I'm a Belgian modeller, nice site.
- 02/09/00 15:05:09
Alex - 10/10/99 14:04:48
My URL:http://www.interdacom.ru/~tanks
My Email:tanks@interdacom.ru
Favourite of Pictures: tanks
Interests: R/C tanks
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: T-72
Tanks is good!
Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 02:29:11
Je n'aime pas vraiment votre page. Elle ne pensent pas que c'est trčs intéressant. Vous devriez l'essayer encore. J'espčre que ceci aide. Bonne Chance!
Larry Wilson - 01/28/99 20:49:04
My URL:/heartland/garden/9302
My Email:l.wilson@home.com
Favourite of Pictures: Radio Control Flying
Very nice page...very interesting and entertaining. May I put a link to it on my homepage.
András - 12/14/98 17:18:09
Nenad Miklusev - 12/03/98 18:53:11
My URL:http://www.delphi.com/yasig
My Email:modelart@ptt.yu
Favourite of Pictures: all of them are superb.
Interests: 1/48 aircrafts
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: Hawker Hurricane Mk II & Rogozarski Ik-3
Nice site with superb kits. I also make one Hungarian a/c- RE-2000 -Heja with wasp amblem from Smer 1/50 .
Best Regards ,
Nenad Miklusev YASIG editor &publisher
(Yugoslav Aviation SIG Newsletter)
Endresz Zoltán - 11/08/98 10:11:17
My Email:endreszz@infornax.hu
Interests: repülés
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: Bf-109, A-10
Légyszi írj egy e-mailt, hogy felvehessük a kapcsolatot!
Palkó Zsolt - 08/25/98 19:58:01
My Email:palkozs@freemail.c3.hu
Favourite of Pictures: Me109 Gustav ,Opel Blitz
Interests: WW2 Hungarian military&AirForce
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: B-17 ,Me262, Me&Bf109 ,Twin Mustang ,V-1 , Opel Blitz, Chevrolet Corvette '57&'63
I'm a modeler. I want to build a Hungarian Me109 G6 ,and I need help. I have a Hungarian stencil set, but I have problems with painting. The instruction says, that I need the colors: RLM74 and RLM75. I don't know these colors in Tamiya codes, so please he
p me. When somebody can give me all the RLM colors in Tamiya codes (example:RLM**=XF-**), please write them to me at my E-mail. And how can I overspray correctly? I tried it on a piece of paper, but it was very ugly.If you can help, write to me! Thanks:Zs
Palkó Zsolt - 08/25/98 19:57:10
My Email:palkozs@freemail.c3.hu
Favourite of Pictures: Me109 Gustav ,Opel Blitz
Interests: WW2 Hungarian military&AirForce
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: B-17 ,Me262, Me&Bf109 ,Twin Mustang ,V-1 , Opel Blitz, Chevrolet Corvette '57&'63
I'm a modeler. I want to build a Hungarian Me109 G6 ,and I need help. I have a Hungarian stencil set, but I have problems with painting. The instruction says, that I need the colors: RLM74 and RLM75. I don't know these colors in Tamiya codes, so please he
p me. When somebody can give me all the RLM colors in Tamiya codes (example:RLM**=XF-**), please write them to me at my E-mail. And how can I overspray correctly? I tried it on a piece of paper, but it was very ugly.If you can help, write to me! Thanks:Zs
- 08/25/98 19:42:01
Palkó Zsolt - 08/25/98 19:36:08
My Email:palkozs@freemail.c3.hu
Interests: WW2 Hungarian things
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: Me109 Gustav,Opel Blitz
- 07/15/98 04:25:10
Sajista Prasertkul - 07/15/98 04:18:59
My Email:natty_27@hotmail.com
Favourite of Pictures: All of F family
Interests: model , R/C and aircraft
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: F-14 ...F-18E and Harier
I am the modeler . Help me please! .... I bought the Hasegawa F-15E scale 1/48
but my model is LIZARD CHACROME F-15E . I can't find data and picture of this model .I want to data and picture for modify my model . If anybody
can help me . Sent your data or picture at NATTY_27@HOTMAIL.COM
Thank you very much
NAT .....The modeler boy
J.R. Lorenzo - 06/23/98 15:09:13
My Email:lechuck@arrakis.es
Favourite of Pictures: żDo you have an A-4? ˇNuts!
Interests: Scale Models and computers
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: McDouglas A-4 E
Nice web, buddy. I´m spanish, and I´m planing to make my own Scale Models web. If finally I make it, I´ll give you a message.
Sorry about my bad English
Robert Enninga - 06/23/98 02:55:50
My Email:REnninga@aol.com
Favourite of Pictures: P-51 D Mustang
Interests: WWII Aircraft Carriers
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: P-38 Lightning
Attila, I enjoyed your site very much. I have finally met a real "Hun" named Attila.......and found that he is a talented modelling artist !! All of my historic imagery is now challenged. I will probably next learn that Genghis Khan is a ceramics artist
in Cleveland. Ha!!
Wonderful work Attila. I hope you will add some ships in the future. I will visit again.
Bob Enninga, Portland, Oregon USA
Papp Levente - 05/18/98 22:34:47
My Email:pls@freemail.c3.hu
Gratulálunk végre egy magyar site igaz nem "szinkronizált" de színes.
Üdv. ARMADA Makettező Egyesület PÉCS
Federico Kunz - 04/30/98 04:44:58
My Email:kunz@infosel.net.mx
Favourite of Pictures: Fw-190
Interests: WWII Luftwaffe
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: any luftwaffe
Your page is quite interesting; regarding camouflage schemes... I wonder if I can get from you more info about the Fw-190 in Hungarian markings. The color scheme (codes), history, markings and else... I would like to build one. Thank you and congratula
kevin n lunceford - 04/19/98 18:04:23
My URL:http://blackbird100
My Email:blackbird-1@juno.com
Interests: 1960's 100 series jets
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: vigilantie
Fernando - 01/25/98 03:13:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Marina/2822/model.htm
My Email:Star_Rover@bigfoot.com
Favourite of Pictures: The Hungarian Air Force ones...
Interests: !/72 post WW II aircraft
Hey Attila,
I have a home page very similar to yours here in Geocities too. It was nice to discover your place and see your pictures. If it may helps you, I just found a page with tips on how to advertise our pages, in way to increase hits. The URL is: http://earth.v
Congratulations on your nice web site! Feel free to visit my scale modeling page and link to it!
P.S. I used to have a penpal in Hungary some years ago. She lived in a town called Gyor. A really pretty girl she was! :) Only a bit too angry... ;)
Peter Steehouwer - 01/10/98 20:26:17
My URL:http://home.pi.net/~psteehou/homepage.htm
My Email:p.steehouwer@pi.net
Favourite of Pictures: Airshow Action Photo Gallery
Interests: Action picturea
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: F14
Very nice site, and I wish you a happy 1998 (scale model) aviation year
Nice page! Visit mine!
KOSA Henri - 12/23/97 07:04:14
My Email:born@iprolink
Favourite of Pictures: Bf109F
Interests: Hungarian aircraft or vehicle of WWII
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: Turan
Csekő Gergely (14év) - 12/19/97 07:18:06
Favourite of Pictures: Mindegyik tetszett
Interests: II. vh. repülők
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: P-52 Twin Mustang
Kedves Attila!
Nagyon jó, hogy valaki (te) csinált egy ilyen
lapot. Nekem nagyon tetszett. Így tovább!
Andras Szasz - 12/06/97 21:43:44
My URL:http://www.oxford.net/~compass/
My Email:compass@oxford.net
Favourite of Pictures: all of them are great.
Interests: photography/models
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: de Havilland Mosquito
I enjoyed your web site. I hope to hear from you. Your english is very good! nem beszel magyarul...
kosonom sepen es viszontlatasra!
Andreas Linhardt - 11/28/97 11:35:32
My Email:A.Linhardt@tu-bs.de
Favourite of Pictures: WWII planed
Interests: piston engined planes 1930-1960
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: F4U, Bf 109
Dear Attila!
Congratulations for your authentic looking models. Could you tell me something about the colours you have chosen for the camouflage of your Hungarian Messerschmitts?
And could you give some information about the earlier three-tone-comouflage of Hungarian aircrafts, too? Thanks a lot - and further good modelling!
Herzliche Grüße, Andreas Linhardt
Seo Young Jin - 11/20/97 01:09:45
My Email:seosyj@chollian.net
Interests: military aircraft
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: B-17, He111 , etc
Hi! I am a Korean modeller.
I glad to know your site and watch your nice models.
Good luck to you !
Bill Cook - 11/16/97 19:53:55
Gabriele Fontana - 11/13/97 11:50:08
My Email:gabriele.b.fontana@monsanto.com
Favourite of Pictures: opel blitz Hun.
Interests: AFV small scale
Dear Attila,
do you know a company called "Czech Kits" producing 1/72 AFV, mainly WWII soviet but also two Italian tankettes. I am very interested, could you help me?
Thanks a lot. Gabriele from Italy
C. J. Rozelle - 10/30/97 00:39:02
My Email:Rozelle5@AOL.com
Your Favourite of my Pictures: Fiat CR 42
Interests: WWII Aircraft 1/48
Favourite Aircraft/Vehicle: Douglas SBD
You did a nice job Attila. AT first I thought they were 1/48 scale. Keep up the good work.