Page One - Exit From Kai Tak |
The planning for this trip had begun months earlier when David Tong had decided to move his C337 from Hong Kong to Singapore. The future of private flying in HK was looking bleak, 1997 had come and gone without incident and the PLA now occupied Shek Kong airfield. Thankfully they had allowed us to continue with our flying at the week ends, which was considered a huge concession as I believe we were the first non national civilians to fly from a PLA air base. The local Airport Authority on the other hand were shortly to close Kai Tak and move to CLK, they were not so helpful and permission was not being given for private flying from the new airport. Practice instrument flying would become impossible as would the early morning week day flying. David's Cessna a twin engine C337 was based at Kai Tak in the Aviation Club's Latra and would often enjoy an early morning flight around Hong Kong. David had decided having his aircraft based in Singapore would be a better option so plans were hatched to fly there. He enlisted the help of Boblo, (Bob Tandy) a Senior Training Captain with Cathay Pacific to help plan the flight and who would also fly as co pilot. |
David and Boblo had been busy with the paper work for a few weeks and eventually a date had been set for the trip, Friday 19th June 1998. Kenny, an old friend of David's was already on the flight crew and complete with video camera was going to document the trip on film. I was a late comer to the crew, as a friend of Bobs I expressed my eagerness to go along if there was a chance of a seat. Weight was a premium, especially given the back was packed with C337 spares, life rafts and all sorts of odd bits and pieces David kept for his plane. After completing detailed checks I was invited to join the crew but told to keep the baggage to a minimum, |
![]() A rough idea of the actual route eventually taken. |
The principles were simple, keep the flight over the open sea to a minimum, land were there was fuel and from David's point of view, minimize the expense. Flying via China and Vietnam was ruled out, private flights into China were rare but had been accomplished, however Vietnam had to many unknowns and obtaining AVgas was very uncertain. It was decided the route would take the plane to Clark in the Philippines, previously an American air base, abandoned when Mount Pinatuba erupted, it was now a fledgling international free port complete with a large runway, custom facilities and well priced fuel. It was also located near Angelese city where we were sure to find a bed for the night and the town had a reputation for bars and good entertainment, but that's another story. |
![]() Kenny, sheltering under the wing of the C337 in the Latra as the rain descends |
The great
day had arrived, I awoke at 6.00 am, the weather was not in good mood,
I pulled the TAF's and METAR from the web page, it still didn't look to
good. I checked my back pack, it was light, a GPS195, a camera, note
book, a change of underwear or two, a couple of tee shirts and a wash bag.
I wasn't to bothered about dress code at this stage, it was summer, warm
and we had no plans to drop in at a 'black tie' do. With wallet and passport
in the back pocket I was ready to go. A cab ride later and I arrived at
the Club,
which opened at 7.00 am every day for breakfast. I ordered a full monty
and waited for the rest of the guys who began to appear shortly after my
arrival. David and Bob checked the paper work again while I organized their
tea and toast. Breakfast was swiftly dispatched and we moved out to the
plane to ready her for flight. The first problem encounted was a low pressure
tire, a battery and portable electric air pump soon had it fixed. A thorough
walk around was completed without any further complications and the bags
were stowed.
The entire
flight would be VFR, it was still drizzling and there was concern it would
get worse. The MET's had been checked and it seemed the weather south of
Hong Kong was clear. To my relief the decision to go was made, the flight
plan was filed and it was time to load up. Although both Kenny and I held
a pilots license, the "powers that be" would not let us taxi out with the
aircraft as crew. Bob and David boarded while Ken and I made a dash for
the departure lounge of Kai Tak, as luck would have it the heavens opened
and we were caught in a torrential down pour. By the time we had run from
the Club to the Airport terminal, some 15 minuets walk away we were soaked
![]() Our escort, the two lovely ladies that arranged our bus and escorted us to the aircraft. |
We found the handling agent at the terminal who could not quite believe what he was being told, here were two scruffy drowned rats with no baggage, (previously stowed) wanting to get on a private plane to the Philippines. A few curious on looker's gathered and I'm sure some 'not so casual' on looker's came and had a peek at us as well. Looking back I cant blame them, we must have appeared as two very suspicious looking characters. After umpteen checks of our passports and the paper work, a few phone calls and the Agent was eventually convinced we were genuine. Two lovely young ladies appeared who then escorted us through the immigration and on to our own bus which would take us out to the aircraft. |
![]() Getting ready to go |
and Boblo were waiting at the apron on stand 24, it was time to board but
they still hadn't got the final clearance, there was apparently some surprise
at the filing of an international VFR flight and the weather was
still looking gloomy. Kenny and I got in, we waited and waited and waited.
To pass the time we rehearsed the evacuation of the plane in the event
we went down in the sea, sitting in the rear, it was my job to throw out
the dingy and swiftly follow it.
![]() Boblo organizing the power truck |
It was
11.40 am, clearance had just been received, 2000 ft to Green Island, squawk
contact ..etc. etc. A request was made to start which was swiftly
approved. Mag’s on, key to start, a brief turn of the prop and then nothing.
Disaster, we had a flat battery, we had been sitting around for so long
chatting on the radio that we had managed to flatten it. 'Ground'
was advised and a request went out for an external power truck. I was beginning
to think some one up there didn't want us to go. The ground crew were great,
HIAS appeared within a few minuets and the HAECO power truck turned up
5 - 10 mins later. After checking voltages, cables and connections etc.,
we were plugged in. It took a few minuets to make sure the batteries were
taking the charge and at the rear engine roared into life. As she settled
down T's & P's were checked, minuets later the ground crew waved their
farewells and moved away as the forward engine was started.
![]() Leaving Kai Tak behind while Clouds lift over Lion Rock |
Bob ran through the check list, and with permission to taxi granted we moved out to follow a Dragon Air Airbus to runway tree one. By 12.15 we were lined up, throttles forward and we roared down the runway, we were airborne and turning back on ourselves as we headed back towards the harbor. With a right turn we were now flying down Victoria Harbor at 1000 feet passing my office in Central on the left and I couldn't help but smile. At Green Island we turned left for Hong Kong south, passing Aberdeen and Stanley to our left, we slowly turned headed out to sea in a shallow climb. 30 minuets or so later we were now at 4,000 feet and tracking 134. The sky is clear save for a few scattered fluffy clouds, the sunshine beamed down and below we saw the occasional oil rig and ship. We were going to have a great trip I thought. |
![]() Descending between the clouds over the Philippine coast |
By 13.20 we were cruising at 7,000 feet, the outside air was 56 F and the cockpit a little chilly, the GPS was reading a ground speed of 169 knots. Bubbly cumulus could be seen on the distant horizon and we were approaching our first check point. Biscuit rations were broken out with the water and everybody settled back to enjoy the next 3 hours or so flying. At 15.25 land was in sight and 15 mins later we were over it , the inland hills and mountains were covered in cloud and flying direct to Clark from here VFR was not on. Bob opted to follow the west coast, descending as we went. Even here it was getting murky till eventually we were cruising along at some 2000 feet, looking inland for a gap, and there it was, bright sunshine in the distance, Botolan airfield below and the Cabusilian mountains to the left. |