There are many sources of material which will help you to learn what is necessary to pass the exam.
One of the most popular for newcomers is "Now You're Talking", published by the American Radio Relay League. It is available from sources such as Ham Radio Outlet in Burbank, Jun's in Culver City and from Fry's Electronics (Woodland Hills, Burbank, etc.). Radio Shack, also has this material. However, be cautioned that a new "question pool" from the Federal Communications Commission takes effect 1 July 1997. This will result in an update to study material. So, be sure you get the latest study material which addresses the question pool effective 1 July. | ![]() |
You can also order the latest edition of "Now You're Talking!", video classes, a license manual, the FCC Rule Book, Morse code cassette tapes and CDs, and the Morse Tutor (computer learning program) from the ARRL directly at the ARRL website .
For young people, a great source of material for the Novice and Technician licenses can be found at the Abtronix's website. The cartoon style learning guide "Ride the Airways with Alfa and Zulu" can be purchased at, Ham Radio Outlet in Burbank, or directly from John, K6YB, at Abtronix. | ![]() |