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Section 1. Name
The name of the Corporation shall be as stated in the Articles of Incorporation filed with the Secretary of the State of California as a nonprofit Corporation, and hereinafter shall be referred to as the Employees' Recreation Club, or abbreviated as ERC.
Section 2. Location
The principal location for transaction of the business of the Employees' Recreation Club is hereby fixed at 5500 Canoga Avenue, Woodland Hills, California 91367 6698.
Section 1. Procedure
The business of the Employees' Recreation Club shall be conducted, when applicable, in accordance with these By Laws. Where specific practices are not delineated herein, Roberts' Rules of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the acceptable guide.
Section 2. Purpose
The purpose of the ERC shall be as defined in the Articles of Incorporation. At no time shall the ERC or any of its approved clubs or activities endorse or participate in political, union, religious or other similar activities.
Section 1. Classes of Members
Members of the Employees Recreation Club shall be classified as Regular,
Associate, or Affiliate in accordance with the following:
a. Regular Members. All full time employees of the Guidance and Control Systems,
Litton Computer Services, Aero Products, Materiel Services Center, Divisions of
Litton Systems, Inc. and Premier America Federal Credit Union, shall be Regular
members of the ERC as a privilege of such employment. The ERC retains the right
to assess a monetary fee from the Litton Division at which the regular member is
employed. Regular members shall be entitled to vote and hold office in the ERC
and/or any of its approved clubs or activities.
b. Associate Members. Full time employees of Litton Systems, Inc., who do not
qualify as Regular members as defined in Section 1a above, and who seek and are
granted membership in any recognized club or activity of the ERC shall be
Associate Members. Associate members may hold office in any recognized club or
activity of the ERC consistent with the By Laws of that club or activity, but
may not be elected to the Recreation Club Council in accordance with Article IV.
The ERC retains the right to assess a monetary fee from the Litton Division at
which the associate member is employed. This assessment shall be commensurate
with the subsidy paid by the ERC for a Regular member of the club or activity
involved, and will be obtained by action of the Executive Board through the
Treasurer. Guidance and Control Systems, Litton Computer Services, Aero Products
Division, Materiel Services Center, Litton Divisions, Inc. and Premier Federal
America Credit Union monies obtained by the ERC in support of its clubs and
activities shall not be used directly to support associate members. Should
another Litton Division not respond to the assessment, the Executive and
Advisory Boards of the ERC will decide the issue and the subsequent status of
the associate members.
c. Affiliate Members. Spouses and dependent children of Regular Members and
Regular Members on retirement status who seek and are granted membership in a
recognized club or activity of the ERC shall be considered Affiliate Members.
Affiliate members may not be elected to the Recreation Club Council or hold
office in any of the recognized clubs or activities of the ERC, but may enjoy
voting rights within an individual club or activity in accordance with its
unique By Laws. Affiliate members shall be subject to any specific
organizational dues and/or assessments. Employees' Recreation club monies may be
used in support of affiliate members.
Section 2. Duration of Membership
b. Affiliate Members. Affiliate members will be terminated from membership in the ERC and any of its recognized clubs or activities under any of the following circumstances:
1. The individual is no longer recognized as an active member of the organization which sponsored his membership.
2. Removal for cause by majority vote of the organization which sponsored his membership.
3. Removal for cause by majority vote of the Recreation Club Council.
Section 3. Meetings
Section 3.1. Agenda
Section 3.2. Notice of Meeting
Section 3.3. Voting Rights
Section 3.4. Compensation
Section 4. Liabilities and Property Rights
Section 1. General Organization
Section 2. Recreation Club Council
Section 2.1. Term of Office
a. Termination of employment by Litton Systems, Inc.
b. Termination of membership, for any reason, in the club or activity being represented.
c. Failure to attend three meetings of the RCC for un-excused reasons, as adjudged by the RCC membership. Acceptable reasons for failure to attend RCC meetings shall include, but are not limited to:
1. Illness, Death (personal and/or immediate family)
2. Company assignment
3 . Scheduled vacation
d. Voluntary resignation from the RCC or from the club or activity being represented.
e. Recall in accordance with Section 5 of this Article.
Section 2.2. Voting Rights
Section 2.3. Quorum Requirements
Section 2.4. Meetings
Section 2.5. Vacancies
Section 3. Executive Board
Section 3.1. Term of Office
a. Termination of employment by Litton Systems, Inc.
b. Failure to attend three meetings of the executive Board for un-excused reasons, as adjudged by the members of the Executive Board. Acceptable reasons for failure to attend Executive Board meetings shall include, but are not limited to:
1. Illness, Death (personal and/or immediate family)
2. Company assignment
3. Scheduled vacation
c. Voluntary resignation from the elected office
d. Recall in accordance with Section 5 of this Article.
Section 3.2. Voting Rights
Section 3.3. Quorum Requirements
Section 3.4. Meetings
Section 3.5. Special Duties
a. Schedule the quarterly and any special meetings of the Recreation Club Council.
b. At the regular Board meeting in January of each year, appoint a Nominating Committee of three members of the Recreation Club Council to function in accordance with Article V.
Section 3.6. Vacancies
Section 4. Advisory Board
a. Director, Human Resources (or designee), Guidance and Control Systems Division, Woodland Hills, California.
b. One Staff member, Human Resources, Guidance and Control Systems Division, Woodland Hills or Northridge, California.
c. Director, Human Resources (or designee), Aero Products Division, Woodland Hills, California.
d. Director, Human Resources (or designee), Litton Computer Services, Woodland Hills, California.
e. Director, Human Resources (or designee), Materiel Services Center, Woodland Hills, California.
f. On Staff Member, Premier America Federal Credit Union, Woodland Hills, California.
g. Controller (or designee), Guidance and Control Systems Division, Woodland Hills, California.
h. Legal Council (or designee), Guidance and Control Systems Division, Woodland Hills, California.
Section 4.1. Control
Section 4.2. Rights and Restrictions
a. Each Advisory Board member shall have the right, at his own discretion, to attend any and all meetings of the ERC Executive Board or Recreation Club Council.
b. The Advisory Board shall have the right to involve or engage other individuals as necessary to provide additional guidance and direction to the Employees' Recreation Club.
c. The Advisory Board may designate an advisor to be a member of the Executive Board.
d. Members of the Advisory Board or their designee, shall not have voting rights in either the Executive Board or the Recreation Club Council as a result of Advisory Board membership.
e. Advisory Board members are, by definition, also members of the ERC and may participate in any of the ERC recognized clubs and activities, but are not eligible for election to the Executive Board of Recreation Club Council while remaining members of the Advisory Board.
Section 5. Recall Procedures
a. Individual Clubs/Activities. The unique By Laws of each individual club or activity which is recognized by the ERC shall contain a method for recall of officers of that club or activity.
b. Recreation Club Council. Recall of representatives to the recreation Club Council may be effected by the club or activity represented as follows:
1. A petition signed by not less than one half of the membership of the club or activity requesting the recall shall be filed with the ERC President.
2. A secret ballot election shall then be held by that club or activity, under the direction of the ERC Executive Board, to decide whether or not the representative in question should continue in office.
3. If, in the election held in accordance with (2) above, a majority of the members of the concerned club vote in favor of recalling the representative, a new representative shall immediately be chosen in accordance with the unique By Laws of that club. The newly chosen representative shall serve only the unexpired portion of the term in question, but may be re elected to a subsequent term or terms if in accordance with the unique By Laws of the concerned club or activity.
Section 5.2. Appeal Procedures
Section 6. Fiscal Year
Section 1. Nominating Committee
a. Be classified as a Regular member of the Employees' Recreation Club.
b. Have more than one year tenure in the employ of Guidance and Control Systems, Litton Computer Systems, Aero Products and/or Data Systems Divisions of Litton Systems, Inc.
c. Be informed of and willing to accept the responsibilities of the office for which he is to be nominated.
No less than one month prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Recreation Club Council in April of each year, the Nominating Committee shall solicit nominations from the presiding officer of each of the ERC recognized clubs and activities. If sufficient nominations of qualified candidates are received, the Nominating Committee shall select the slate from this group. If additional nominations are needed to fill the minimum slate requirement of two candidates for each office, the Nominating Committee shall select the necessary nominees from among the members of the Recreation Club Council.
Section 2. Election Procedure
The ERC Secretary shall display the names of all duly nominated candidates according to the office for which nominated and provide each Recreation Club Council member in attendance with a ballot indicating the four offices being chosen. Each RCC member shall write in his choice for each office from the displayed slate of candidates. All ballots shall be considered secret. Voting by proxy is not authorized and shall not be accepted. All ballots shall be collected by the ERC Secretary. Within one week following the April meeting of the RCC, the ballots shall be counted by the Secretary and the results certified by the entire Executive Board and announced. Each office shall be decided by the unique vote for that office.
Section 1. Officers
Section 2. Duties
a. Signing all checks drawn for ERC expenditures jointly with the ERC Treasurer.
b. Appointment of committee members as required to carry out the purposes and activities of the ERC.
c. Such additional powers and/or duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board or Advisory Board.
Section 2.2. Vice President
Section 2.3. Secretary
Section 2.4. Treasurer
a. The preparation and signing of all checks drawn for the disbursement of ERC funds and submittal of such checks for countersignature by the President, or, in his absence, the Vice President.
b. Post all deposits and withdrawals in appropriate ERC ledgers.
c. Prepare and submit to the President a quarterly statement of the financial status of the ERC. This statement shall be published and distributed to all members of the Executive and Advisory Boards and the Recreation Club Council.
d. Prepare an operating budget for the ERC, duly coordinated with the individual budgets of all ERC recognized clubs and activities, for presentation to the Recreation Club Council at the quarterly meeting in July of each year.
e. Be responsible for establishing and developing adequate and appropriate auditing, accounting, and banking procedures.
f. Develop guidelines for the ERC recognized clubs for budget formats, procedures for various expenditures, and instructions for property possession and/or disposal.
g. Maintain a petty cash fund in the amount specified by the Executive Board and disburse petty cash as authorized by the Executive Board.
h. Establish banking services and assure conformance to internal revenue requirements.
i. Such other duties and responsibilities as may be prescribed by the ERC President, the Executive Board, and/or the Advisory Board.
j. Prepare the annual budget for submittal to Division financial officers in accordance with Article X, Section 2.
These By Laws may be amended or repealed and new or different By Laws adopted by vote of a numerical majority of the total Recreation Club Council membership at any regularly scheduled or special meeting of that body. Proposed changes to the By Laws shall be presented to the Executive Board at least one week prior to any meeting requiring a vote on a proposed change. Upon receipt of a proposed change by the Executive Board, the Secretary shall distribute copies of the change to all members of the Recreation Club Council and Advisory Board. The Executive Board shall determine whether to convene a special meeting of the RCC to vote on the proposed change or to defer action until the subsequent regularly scheduled meeting.
All written agreements involving the Employees' Recreation Club, the Recreation Club Council, and/or any of the ERC recognized clubs or activities shall be subject to approval of the Executive Board and the Guidance and Control Systems Division Legal Counsel. All agreements thus approved shall be executed by the ERC President on behalf of the ERC and/or the originating club or activity.
Section 1. New Clubs and Activities
Section 1.1. General Guidelines for ERC Membership
a. The club or activity shall demonstrate a roster of no less than ten regular members.
b. Membership shall be in accordance with Article III, Section 1 of these By Laws.
c. A Charter or By Laws for the petitioning club or activity shall be prepared and filed with the ERC concurrently with the petition for membership. The Charter or By Laws shall contain the following minimum information:
1. The purpose of the club or activity.
2. Membership conditions (dues, classes of members, etc.) which are not in conflict with the ERC By Laws.
3. Elective officers and their duties, term of office, method of election, etc.
4. Periodicity of meetings.
5. Operational procedures (quorum requirements, rules of order, disciplinary procedures, financial statements, purchase and disposition of property, abandonment, liability, etc.).
6. Financial Responsibilities (booking procedures, budgets, yearly audits, etc.).
7. Method of selection of the RCC representative.
Section 1.2. Membership Petitions
Section 1.3. Suspension and Expulsion
Section 2. Annual Filing
a. List of officers: May 15
b. Membership roster (in alphabetical order with Litton Division indicated): May 15
c. Schedule of meetings and activities: May 15
d. Budget for following year: May 15
e. Updated By Laws, if applicable: May 15
Section 3. Budget Requests
Section 4. Authorized Expenditures
a. Equipment, Purchased or Rented.
Special equipment may be rented for club sponsored events. Purchased equipment shall become the responsibility of the President of the individual club or activity. All purchases of capital items shall be approved by the Executive Board prior to purchase.
b. Trophies
Expenditures for trophies and prizes shall be limited to club sponsored events. It is suggested that such expenditures not exceed ten dollars ($10.00) per participating member per event.
c. Officiating
Reasonable fees for referees or umpires at athletic events (e.g., basketball, softball, etc.) may be authorized.
d. Stationery and Supplies
Necessary paper supplies and forms for the administration of the club or activity.
e. Trip Expenses
A club or activity may pay a portion of special trip expenses (e.g., Ski Club trip, charter boat for Fishing Club, competition meet for Gun Club, etc.). Normally expenditures for such items shall not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) per participating member per event.
f. Special Equipment Rentals
Special equipment such as motion picture films and projectors, tapes, etc., may be rented.
g. Refreshments
These expenditures shall be limited to light refreshments for organizational and occasional business meetings.
h. Special Item Purchases
Such specialized items as magazine subscriptions, books, photographic film, cassette tapes, etc., may be authorized when pertinent as part of the activities of a particular organization.
Section 5. Expenditures Not Authorized
a. Fees or salaries paid to officers of members.
b. Purchases which are for personal use of officers or members.
c. Funding of award banquets, picnics, dinners or any major event providing full meals; breakfast, lunch or dinners.
Section 6. Fund Raising
Section 7. Restrictions
Section 7.2. Club Insignia
Section 8. Reportable Capital assets
Section 1. Corporation Funds
Section 3. Investment of Surplus Funds
a. Placed in interest bearing account(s) in the depository or depositories designated by the Executive Board.
b. Invested in United States Savings Bonds.
c. Invested in such other securities as may be approved by the Executive Board.
The approval of the Executive Board shall be obtained whenever and as often as necessary to convert any investment or to liquidate such investment.
Section 1. Rules of Order
Section 2. Agenda
a. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
b. Treasurer's Report
c. Reports of Officers
d. Reports of Standing Committees
e. Reports of Special Committees
f. Communications
g. Unfinished business
h. New business
i. Miscellaneous business
j. Appointment of committees
Section 1. Labor Policy
Section 2. Division Social Functions
Section 3. Accessibility of Records