Carmine Bussone's Aerospace Page


This site is designed to make you fly over the Net , so join one of the zones listed below to get all you need to fly .

Have you got Flight Simulator but you're tired to fly always the same planes? In the"Hangar" zone you can find so many aircraft and links to get them and your choice can go from the ultralight to the Boeing 747.

Ok,you got the aircraft but do you know its technical characteristics ? What does its maximum speed is or the number of passengers it can carry? Just click on the "Airfield" item and you'll feel like in an airport parking place where you can explore every technical specification of the aircraft.

Alpha Station:
Here you'll feel a little higher!This zone brings you in the outer space giving you the information you need about space travelling and updated galleries of space images.

Please Select the zone you want to explore :



Alpha Station

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