Airplanesman's Home Page

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To Matt's home page of airplanes.

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To tell you about some of my history I have been flying now for around 6 years. I started by finding a teacher that was also my orthodontist and invested in a plane known as the Sturdy Birdie II. It is a good flying plane that corrects itself easily but the lack of wing area makes it a fast flying aircraft which causes excess speed. This is truly what beginers don't need, but, it make up for speed with extreme agility and durability. It builds and flies great but I wish Hobbico would invest in a wing lengthening kit for the Sturdy Birdie II. To give you an idea of how durable it is I tell you a story. I was at my grandpa and grandma's house flying around when upon two attemps I was coming down to land when suddenly I ran out of room and had to pull up and out. I ended up just clearing the house and scraping my landing gear on the roof which bent them in on themselves and crossing. It was over the wheels caught grip and sent it hurtling towards their natural gas tank. It hit it and ended up in two pieces on the ground only because of the wing coming off. It recieved minor damage to the muffler which is a permanent reminder of that day. A scrape that runs the length of the muffler. I soon hope to have pictures of more of my airplanes on my page and the building process in which they went through. I am currently building a BUcker Jungmeister biplane so stay tuned for more info. Please E-mail suggestions. Until then I have provided links to some other good pages and I hope you enjoy my page.

More History

I also am involved in riding and fixing ATVs. I hope to provide some pictures of the three wheelers that I own. I like to update this page a lot so check often for new photos or cool plans for airplanes.


The History of Model Airplanes

My Honda ATC 250ES Big Red and my Yamaha YTM 255DX Three-Wheelers

Here are some cool links to some other web pages.

One Great Page Tower Hobbies
Great airplane pics
Need reviews here are a few
Great Planes homepage
Here's a guide for beginners
O.S. Has a great page including it's history
You too can fly from Tower Hobbies
For those who like electric here's a page you may enjoy
Get some hard facts on getting started in R\C airplanes
R\C Modeler Magazine page

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