Runners Page
XC Quotes & Inside Jokes (some Track)
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye"
"Hey coach, is that your woman?.... No she's family"
"Don't get lapped"
"The faster you run the sooner you done"
"Kenny Who ? ?"
"Hey coach, how's your wife & my kid?"
"The more you run the better the fun"
"Some sports take more than balls"
"Hey coach, where are all the people at?" - Raccon Creek Invitational - you have to be on the team to get this one
"You all are immature"
"Now boys, whatcha goin a do is..."
"You did what ?" (refering to Paul)
"Aint you boys never done nothin right?"
"When I was a boy.... I used to walk uphill to school bothways, in five feet of snow, and I still ran a 5 minute mile"
"When I was a boy....I used to run 20 miles a day and did I complain? No...." - okay maybe the last two are a little exaggerated.
"Dangit Schlegel!"
COACH L**** SONG...(cant reveal coach's name b/c he might sue...)
My name's Coach L****,
Do this, Do that,
La La La
Run faster, jump higher,
La La La