Please be patient, pictures take a while to download My Flying Ambitions |
Well, as you probably already know, I am an AVIATION Enthusiast Anything that has to do with aviation I want to be a part of.
My life goal, to become a pilot has several steps One - graduate from a four year University, possibles are Purdue University,, and the University of North Dakota. At one of those colleges, I hope to be in the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps. ( AFROTC ), be commisioned, as an officer, and move up the chain and hopefully earn my wings.
Two - After joining the Air Force, hopefully becoming a *C-5 Galaxy* , *C-17 Globemaster* , or some other jet aircraft pilot. After accumulating enough hours, I hope to get an interview with the commercial airlines. 777-200 Courtesy of UAL Three - The final key of my goal, the hardest to attain, become a ATP pilot, fly for one of the " Big 10 " Airlines, hopefully United, living in Denver, or Chicago. My dream aircraft to fly is the 747-400, 777 or the 757, should they still be around.