Repeater Information


The W4VB Repeater System operates on 145.33 MHz from a two-hundred foot site near downtown Norfolk. The system is owned by K4DA and maintained by the dedicated efforts of the Tidewater Wireless group. The repeater consists of a Hamtronics receiver and transmitter interfaced to an Advanced Computer Controls (ACC) RC-96 repeater controller. A WACOM WP-641 four-cavity duplexer allows simultaneous transmit and receive on the master 2 meter repeater antenna. A remotely located receiver system in Virginia Beach also listens on the input frequency and transmits its signals to the main repeater over a 900 MHz link. We use an LDG Electronics RVS-8 Repeater Voting Selector which evaluates all incoming signals and selects the best one for retransmission on the repeater's output frequency. The repeater system also includes remote bases on 2 meters, 220 MHz, 440 MHz, and 10 meters FM. Additionally, an autopatch is maintained on the repeater for use by repeater supporters. Autopatch information and instructions are available by contacting Dave All appropriately licensed amateurs are invited and encouraged to use the repeater as well as to participate in nets and activities on the system.

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