News Letter

Tidewater Wireless W4VB News


145.33 Repeater Update:

The repeater is fully operational at the main site in Norfolk. The

Virginia Beach remote receiver at Fort Story is still offline due to

ongoing repairs from corrosion damage. As soon as the 900 MHZ amp is

repaired we'll hopefully be able to place the remote back in service.

Since the last newsletter in September, a new eight channel voting

selector was installed on the system. It is an RVS-8 by LDG

Electronics. Plans are underway to add an additional remote receiver on

the Peninsula this spring. Soon after that we'll have even another

remote receiver system put together, however, no site has yet been

determined to locate it. That would make a total of four receivers

feeding into the repeater. Please let us know if you have a possible

site available or could coordinate the use of a site in an area that

would enhance the system.

Emergency Speed Dial:

The 145.33 repeater currently uses the Standard South Tidewater

Emergency Autodial codes, however, suggestions have been made to change

some of the codes. This would be to allow quick dialing access to some

agencies that are more frequently called than some on the standard

list. We could develop our own list if desired. The idea was to add

agencies that are on the Peninsula as we now have many members there.

Let us know what you would like to have on the emergency speed dial

list, or if you'd rather stay with the current South Tidewater list.

Autopatch and Autodial:

To activate or renew autopatch authorization or to make changes to

autodials please contact Dave K4DA. There are numerous autodial slots


Net Info:

The Tidewater Linked Area Cross-Band Net meets every Sunday evening at

8pm Eastern time to promote amateur radio technology and multi-band link


We are currently on the following frequencies:

145.330 W4VB, Norfolk, VA

145.170 WA4ZUA, CINCLANTFLT, Norfolk, VA

446.000 Simplex, Norfolk, VA

29.6 10M FM Simplex

Others are added depending on the participants.

Also available is a link via the Internet using Iphone from Vocaltec and

RepeaterLink (callsign verifier). The connection is either through WA9B,

WA4ZUA or KF4LQM (All the same guy). We usually connect to Houston, TX

with K5WH, and our friends at COMPAQ A.R.C.

W4VB Home Page:

Our webpage on the World Wide Web

( has just been

updated by Dave W9RCC. You will find the latest W4VB news, e-mail

roster, and other info on the webpage.

HF Project:

Is anyone interested in putting W4VB on the air on 10 meters to work

10-10 stations? If W4VB works a minimum of ten 10-10 stations we'd be

able to get a 10-10 number for the club station. Please contact Dave

KS4GC if interested.

Field Day 1998:

Field Day will be here before you know it. The date for this year's

event is June 27-28. There has been a suggestion to have a W4VB Field

Day operation this year if there would be enough interest. All

interested persons are asked to contact Dave KS4GC so that planning may


Packet Radio PBBS:

Are you on packet?

Dave KS4GC operates a packet PBBS on 145.650 MHZ. Connect to KS4GC-1 to

access the bulletin board. Messages can be left for anyone who checks

in on the board. Also, bulletins are received on the board for all to

read. In addition to KS4GC, Dave K4DA checks into the board regularly

for messages.

New Call Signs:

Congratulations to the following who have received new call signs:

Harley W7LO (old call N7HJ)

Paul W4CPU (old call KC4UQY)

Dave K4DA (old call NS3F)

Dave W9RCC (old call KF4APJ)


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