Net manager: Vacant
The Tidewater Linked Area Cross-Band Net meets every Sunday evening at 8pm Eastern time to promote amateur radio technology and multi-band link experimentation. We are currently not having regularly scheduled Nets. Stay tuned for more info.
145.330 W4VB, Norfolk, VA
145.170 WA4ZUA, CINCLANTFLT , Norfolk, VA
446.000 Simplex, Norfolk, VA
29.6 10M FM Simplex
Others are added depending on the participants
Also available is a link via the internet using Iphone from Vocaltec and RepeaterLink (callsign verifier). The connection is either through WA9b, WA4ZUA or KF4LQM (All the same guy). We usually connect to Houston, TX with K5WH, and our friends at COMPAQ A.R.C.