Early days of LIFE STAR
Here are some photos from my collection of the early years of the LIFE STAR air medical transport program based out of Hartford Hospital.
Here are some LIFE STAR action pictures taken last March in Marlbrough, Connecticut.

This was an accident on Route 66 in the center of town involving the Marlbrough Vol. Ambulance and a tractor trailer carrying a load of new cars. Both LIFE STAR helicopters were dispatched to the scene.

September 4, 1994 - Ellington, Ct. - Emergency crews bring a victim of a car vs. truck accident to the helicopter before removal to Hartford Hospital.
May 3, 1993 - New Britain, Ct. - The helicopter prepares to land on Route 9 after this one car accident pinned two people in the vehicle. The guard rail had to remove from the top of the car before the extrication could begin.
October 10, 1990 - Newington, Ct. - LIFE STAR made this night time landing in a field off of Cedar St. for this two car motor vehicle accident which left one person dead. The helicopter is in the upper right hand corner of the frame with its landing lights on.
November 27, 1985 - Hartford, Ct. - LIFE STAR 1 sits on its helipad with it's windshelid covered at night. This was during a hail/freezing rain storm. The helipad was where the Connceticut Children's Medical Center is today.
April 28, 1987 - Glastonbury, Ct. - After a 1 car motor vehicle accident LIFE STAR Flight nurse and a Respiratory Therapist work on one of the two victims. One had to be extricated, and the other was thrown from the car.

November 11, 1988 - New Britain, Ct. - LIFE STAR lands at a scene call in the back yard of a residence on Hickory Hill Road. The response was for a teenager who ingested poisonous mushrooms. The crew had to be transported to the remote scene 1/2 mile away by pickup truck.

July 30, 1987 - Wethersfield, Ct. - A flight nurse works on a patient inside the aircraft during a double fatal accident which happened on I-91.
May 3, 1988 - Farmington, Ct. - This is the scene of fatal head on crash on Rt. 4. Two people were killed and 4 others injured by the entrance to the Hillstead Museum.
March 3, 1988 - New Britain, Ct. - The flight crew carries their equipment in to prepare a patient for transport from one of the first hospital helipads in the area. This one is located at New Britain General Hospital.
December 27, 1989 - Southington, Ct. - After landing in a snow squall, fire, police and EMS personel help the flight crew carry a patient of a motor vehicle accident through 12" of snow to the aircraft.

July 3, 1991 - Cromwell, Ct. - LIFE STAR lands at a motor vehicle accident site on Rt. 9. The aircraft ended up transporting 2 patients after another one was presumed at the scene.

April 30, 1992 - Berlin, Ct. - LIFE STAR lands at Berlin High School during a mock car accident held in the parking lot. Over 600 students watched as victims were removed from the head on collision.