The Communicators Page

The Communicators Page

LIFE STAR Communicator John Barbagallo getting information for a flight in the dispatch center located on the 2nd floor of the High Building at Hartford Hospital.
Upon recieving a call at LIFE STAR dispatch the communicator will take down important information pertaining to the flight, and enter it into the AEROMED computer program. Typical information that will be asked would be: Callers name, agency calling, town resquesting LIFE STAR, number of patients, the need of a 2nd helicopter, landing zone information including hazards at the scene if any, ground contact, radio frequency, the mechanism of injury, and patient medical information.
All of this is entered into the system for later retrieval in writing the flight report.
During all of this the Communicator tones out the appropiate crew on duty for the next flight, and they are on their way. Within seven minutes they are airbone enroute to the scene or hospital.
Before the next flight shift even starts the communicator is in charge of the pre-flight briefing. There, weather conditions, helicopter mechanical status, and pending flights for the day are discussed. Along with this, information from the previous shift is passed on. Flight crew information for the day is posted on the information status board, and then the crew is ready to fly!