Medical Helicopter Program
At Hartford Hospital
Welcome to Alan Chaniewski's "unofficial"LIFE STAR Helicopter Web Site.
Within these pages you will find the most comprehensive, up-to-date unique information on Hartford Hospitals Air Medical Program. Serving LIFE STAR as their photographer, from its inception twelve years ago, I have captured thousands of unforgettable images of these helicopters and crews at work. I would now like to share with you some of the "behind the scenes" pictures that I have taken. You will also find, maps, graphics, and animations documenting the history these air ambulances.
Check out the Recent Missions page! Pictures of the Farmington, Ct. double helicopter call on Route 4 on June 19, 1999.
Here's what you will find inside:
General info |Flight Crew |Safety |Public Relations
Observing & Photographing | Links | Early Photos | Historical timelime
Recent missions & scenes| Communicators Page|What the whose'us is a Caduceus?
April 5, 1999 Life Star moves one of it's ship's to Norwich, Connecticut, at the William W. Backus Hospital!
This is Life Star 1 at the helipad in the rear of the hospital.
If you would like to listen to Life Star communicate with Backus Security when they are departing or enroute back to the hospital, they operate on 464.975 rx and 469.975 tx. The initial dispatch for the helicopter is still on 155.385. Don't forget to listen to their portables for communication between the crew members. That is still on 461.3875 and operates on low power. Special thanks to my dispatcher friends down in the Norwich area for this info!
Still want more information about the Norwich/Groton area?
Give these guys at Center Groton Fire Department a hit on their page, and tell them I sent you there!

Contacting LIFE STAR
LIFE STAR - P.O. Box 5037 - 80 Seymour Street - Hartford,Connecticut - 06102-5037
Non emergency telephone # (860)545-4337 - Flight Crew office # (860)545-4385 - Fax # (860)545-5132
Thanks to my friend Gary Awsiukiewicz, "THE KING" of the Florida Keys for getting this site up and running! Give him a visit at: Gary Islander
People visiting this LIFE STAR site since August 1, 1997: 
Some awards this site has won.

The Air Medical Web Ringis owned bySean Cloud
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This site has been developed and is being maintained byAlan Chaniewski.
Comments, information, or suggestions are always welcome!
This site was last updated on June 30, 1999
© Alan Chaniewski 1997-1999