This the home page of Justin and Angie Redman of Wright City, Oklahoma. We reside in the beautiful timber country in southeastern Oklahoma. Bet you thought there was no pretty country in Oklahoma!

Our Background

We were both born and raised in west Texas, around the Big Spring area, I went to Big Spring High and she was a Forsan student but both migrated from the sand storms and mesquite trees many years ago. I graduated from high school in 1965 and Angie graduated in 1969. I spent many years in the retail tire business. After a heart attack we decided to the country and slow down. 2 bypass surgeries later I am still kicking. Both our boys (1 each) are still single, so we are not in the grandchild biz. I keep busy with computer consulting while Angie takes care of home.

Angie being the talent in our small family spends much of her time writing poetry. I claim no part of this talent but felt that sharing would be valuable to those whose may stumble across our part of the internet universe. She has written many, many poems and we have a couple of them to share here. Some of her work is published and we have provided a link to the National Society of Poets, for which she is a member. Her writings seem to come to her at strange hours of the night in many of her spells of sorted illnesses. She has received serveral awards for her writings is proud to share her poetry here. PLEASE SET BROWSER TO FULL SCREEN.

                 The All of Me                                                                                                                                  Today

Deep inside the all of me- lies a creature of the night                                              The morning sunshine - a kiss of dew
A person that would change the world and make everthing just right                   Makes life worth living and feel good all through
The strategy is planned - roads are all laid                                                                 The dew drops glisten - like stars in the sky
This creature is all alone at night and the reaper has been paid                             My heart is so light - I feel I could fly

This creature of the night - that I have surely become                                              The squirrels in the trees - the birds flittin' round
Makes all the world's decisions - befor the dawning of the sun                               The morning is wakening - with each new sound
This creature prowls the floor in her big four bedrooom home                               The air is so clear - you can see for miles
And wonders as the world finds sleep - why she feels all alone                               You can't help but be happy - for everyone to see                          

The darkened windows - the sightless eyes                                                                Life is so precious - we get one time around
Can tell the difference - wherein the truth lies                                                          And it so much easier with a smile and no frown
For in the darkness - the memories will roam                                                           The day will be good - if you wish it to be
And clean out all the closet skeletons - down to the bone                                         And it will show up - for everyone to see

Presures annd worry that are not huge by day                                                           Yesterdays are behind us -to not live again
Are gargantous, unguarded and at night they play                                                    And it would be awful to have lost a friend
The tiny little mole hills that are small all week long                                               Tomorrow is a day we know nothing about
They turn to huge mountains that can only be climbed by the strong                    We can't see a thing - can't send a scout

The dawn is rising - a new day hhas become                                                                We can't look back - we can't look ahead
And with the brightening of the skies - the worries left with sun                           We really wouldn't want out fortune read
Maybe tomorrow night will be better - the creature will be restful                         To hear someone tell us - what to do or say
And more pleasant things will arise - to think of a lot less stressful                     For yesterday's tomorrows - are merely today.

I hope these were enjoyed. I would appreciate any comments via e-mail, these are not copyrighted and would appreciate it if they were not copied.

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