Welcome to my slotcar page. I am just setting this page up
so there is not much here yet. Also, my scanner is down for a
while so all images so far are captured from video.

My layout is all Scalextric and is mounted on a 4x8 sheet of
plywood. This is then raised and lowered through a series of
hardware up to the roof of my shop.

And here are some more pictures of my layout:
Layout viewed from corner
Longview of layout
Lift pulley
Another pulley
And the rachet boomer that lifts it all
Folding legs under the table
A happy racer!
Top Slotcar Links:
- Best web site for technical assistance and a very good catalog to download:
Fantasy World Toys & Hobbies
- Lowest prices for Fly cars:
B & S Slotcars
- Best example of how to use way to many animated gifs and other images, yet still have a lot of good information:
Sports Car World
- Want to go to the best site for spending to much money on Slotcars? Try:
Ebay's slotcar listing