Ground-to-space teleoperation is hindered by time delays imposed by the speed-of-light limit of radio transmissions over large distances, as well as communication processing delays. Consequently, the human operator must wait to observe the results of each small movement before committing to further action. A predictor display, which presents the user with a simulation of the system rather than the time-delayed video/ telemetry data, can lengthen each step of a move-and-wait approach. Due to the accumulation of modeling errors, however, the predictor display does not negate the need for moving-and-waiting. The user must now wait until the simulation becomes resynchronized with the system before transmitting further commands.
This thesis explores the use of predictor displays to cope with time-delayed teleoperation. The thesis project consists of two phases: (1) the development of a testbed simulation for evaluating predictor display concepts; and (2) an investigation into the feasibility of improving the baseline predictor display's performance. Under Phase 1, a simulation of a teleoperated spacecraft was developed and validated, and the behavior of the baseline predictor method was characterized in detail. For the selected task, it was shown that improvements to the baseline predictor are required in order for continuous control to be realized. Under Phase 2, a Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller (CMAC) neural network was employed in an attempt to "learn" the error between the predictor and the actual system, so that the predictor display could be corrected accordingly. The results indicate that the error functions in both position and acceleration contain abrupt discontinuities that cannot be accurately modeled by the CMAC due to its local generalization behavior. These findings have led to the conclusion that other error modeling techniques are required, and/or that smoothing or filtering methods in the state domain must be implemented. As a result of the Phase 2 investigation, three proposed techniques that merit future investigation were identified:
1.1 Project Overview
1.1.1 Problem Statement
1.1.2 Teleoperation Simulator
1.1.3 Predictor Improvement
1.1.4 Summary of Results
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Background
Teleoperation Experiment Model
2.1 Experiment
2.2 Spacecraft
2.2.1 Design Overview
2.2.2 Equations of Motion
2.3 Teleoperation
2.3.1 General Architecture
2.3.2 Acceleration Command
2.3.3 Rate Command Mode
2.3.4 Architecture Selection
2.4 Task Description
2.5 Model Entities
and Attributes
2.5.1 Ground Segment Model
2.5.2 Space Segment Model
2.5.3 Communications Model
Teleoperation Experiment Implementation
3.1 Design Considerations
3.1.1 Simulation Environment
3.1.2 Implementation Constraints
3.2 Classes
3.2.1 Ground Segment Classes
3.2.2 Space Segment Classes
3.2.3 "Shared" Classes
3.3 Program Operation
3.4 Program Validation
Candidate Predictor Improvements
4.1 Overview of
Adaptive Methods
4.2 Adaptive Model
4.2.1 On-Line Parameter Estimation
4.2.2 On-Line System Identification
4.3 Adaptive Control
4.3.1 Model-Reference Adaptive
4.3.2 Self-Tuning Regulator
4.4 Selection of
Adaptive Methods
Investigation and Results
5.1 Performance
with No Predictor
5.1.1 Delay-Free Performance
5.1.2 Time-Delayed Performance
5.1.3 Summary
5.2 Baseline Predictor
5.2.1 Implementation
5.2.2 Experimental Results
5.3 Position Error
5.3.1 Implementation
5.3.2 Experimental Results
5.4 Acceleration
Error Estimate
5.4.1 Implementation
Discussion and Conclusions
Baseline Predictor Performance
Error Estimation Methods
Appendix A (not available on-line)
2.1. Spacecraft schematic
2.2. Spacecraft bus
component layout
2.3. Generalized
teleoperation architecture
2.4. Teleoperation
architecture for acceleration command mode
2.5. Teleoperation
architecture for rate command mode
2.6. Top-level model
entity hierarchy
2.7. Ground segment
2.8. Model entity
interactive relationships
2.9. Thruster selection
2.10. Spacecraft model entities
and attributes
2.11. Model entity interactive
2.12. Exaggerated thrust vs.
time history
4.1. A neural network
with 3 inputs and 2 outputs
4.2. Conceptual structure
of a CMAC
4.3. Receptors for
a single input dimension
4.4. Layering of
the address space A
4.5. Conceptual architecture
for the MRAS
4.6. Conceptual architecture
for the STR
5.1. Discontinuity
in predicted state vs. time
5.2. Use of an error
model to correct the predictor
5.3. CMAC error model
5.4. Angular acceleration
vs. time
5.5. Velocity vs.
5.6. Angle vs. time
5.7. Angle error
vs. time
5.8. CMAC error estimation
5.9. Actual and predicted
5.10. Actual and predicted velocity
5.11. Predicted and residual
acceleration error
6.1. Smoothing the