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If you are visitor number 2000 please email me, I wanna celebrate this a bit!

Last update: 07/29/97
At the moment I haven't got much time to update my page, so please be not disappointed if you come back often and see nothing's changed.

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VERY IMPORTANT: I'm on vacation :-) till Aug 13th, and afterwards some time too, so please don't wonder if I don't answer your mails immediately. That is also why I haven't updated the download section now (I haven't got time). 

Thanks to all people who sent me their afx files. I tried to answer all the emails personally, so please excuse me if I don't have.  

 Chris Bawden has updated his whole fleet to version 3. I didn't have time to add or obsolete them in my download section if you want them, just check out Mike Marando's upload page. As I saw now there won't be a version 4 necessary (what do you want to improve?). Great done job Chris!

Do you want to have real ATC guidance by human, not just by an adventure?
Then try out Jason Grooms' Squawkbox! The program isn't perfect by now (I think Jason know's that himself), but the idea is very very great and first versions of programs are rarely often perfect.
This is how it works: Using Adam Szofran's Flib this program send's the current information of your aircraft over the internet to the server program. With Pro Controller, which is a bit like TRACON, other people can connect to this server and play ATC. Isn't that something we always wanted? By now there are mainly LAX and ORD engaged, but if more people would check in, we may also get many parts of Europe covered by ATCs. AVSIM magazine has set up a 24 hours working server. For further information on this or if you want to download the software (it's free :-), thanks Jason) go to the Procontroller homepage. Check it out today!
I'm working on plans how to make the European section and I'll publish them after my vacation. If you have any ideas or have created European sector files, so please mail them to me.

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