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All this planes are in the Peruvian Airlines and Peruvian Airforce.
Lima Scenery V.1.0 Without Check.
Flotable Plane Cessna170
Hercules C-130
Boing 737-200 Continental Airlines
Boeing Aeroperu
Fokker 27
Fokker F28
Mirage 2000
Chopper Bell 222
Airplane Bonanza
Boeing 777-200 de Aero Peru
J31 Bimotor de Aero Peru
Boeing 777-200 de Faucett Peru
Boeing 737-200 de Faucett Peru
Chopper Antinarcotic Corp. BELL-huey
Mirage 2000
Macchi Training plane
Russian Chopper Mi-24
Russian Fighter "MIKOYAN MIG-29"
Russian Fighter "SUKHOI-22"
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