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Doncaster Wine and Food Society

Welcome to the Doncaster Wine and Food Society's home page. We are a group of men and women of varying ages and from a wide range of backgrounds interested in enjoying and learning more about food and wine. We welcome new members and visitors. While the Society was founded in the Doncaster area, members now come from all over Melbourne and the Mornington Peninsula areas of Victoria, Australia.

Our credo is that "Good food should be eaten with good wine, in good company"

The Society meets monthly on the third Thursday (except December). We dine at a wide range of quality restaurants. Our last dinner each year is the "President's Dinner" when we dine at a very special restaurant and drink very special wines from our own cellar. From time to time, we have extra outings, wine tastings and weekends away

We own our well stocked cellar with a range of fine wines (about 400 bottles) chosen by the Society's cellar master. We are able to enjoy many aged wines not normally found on restaurant menus.

We are affiliated with the Federation of Wine and Food Societies of Australia. Members of other affiliated Societies are most welcome to join us when we have our dinners.

On subsequent pages, we include details of past dinners that we have had. We have some pictures of members enjoying themselves at some of our general functions, together with pictures at our 1999 President's Dinner. We have also set out details of our membership fees.

If you would like to find out more about joining us or if you are visiting Melbourne and would like to dine with us, please contact Stephanie or Charles on (+613) 9690 3438 between 5pm and 9.30 pm (Melbourne time) or email:

Last update: 08/10/2000

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