Triumph Spitfire (an ongoing project)

Rear Shock Replacment

Spitfires have a classic look when they get old: both rear tires are splayed outward like they are carrying some unholy weight. Typically the driver's side is the worst. Charlie Brown documented his airshock solution and I tried it since I'd tried everything else ... so far I am pleased with the results.

Photo's taken during the gas shock installation:

The shocks were those for the rear of an '82 corvette, Gabriel hijackers, Part #39504. I purchased the shocks and a dual-fill airhose kit from the local Advance Autoparts store for a total of $62.67 in January of 1998. The shocks were not in stock, nor the local warehouse, so it took two days to get them. I had troubles with the schræder values leaking on the airhoses, but with a little persuasion from some needle-nose pliers, they stopped leaking.

General Parts Notes

Front Wheel Bearings (all Japan ZN's)

Front Coil Springs

Measured 12-5/8" new and had white and pink marks.
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Last modified: Mon Apr 19 17:36:08 EDT 1999