This place is intended to be the source
of every little bit of info you can find on video. This is the place to
start looking for anything video related! However, Its all under
construction so it might take a while...
This goal can be achieved only with your help! If you encounter any, I repeat, ANY kind of video site, forum or news-group, chat (IRC) channel or even read a good book about it - please email your contribution will be appreciated by many!
Read about: the past, present and future of this web site!
. visited since june 1st
Last update: September 27 1997
I'm diapointed in you!
Its been about two months since the secaret was out. I expected my readers to find more functions to enable on DV and other camcorders. But, apart from two or three of you, who found the DV-in procedure for some models other than the PC7, no other option was found. I was beginning to think there was no other function out there! But I had a PC7 for one weekend, and look what I foud!
DV input: Now you can all do it yourself!
Yours truly has cracked the secret of enabling DV input! There was a prize for the first one to find it, but the sponsors found out they are not allowed to pay!
DV input is absent from DV camcorders sold at EU countries. The reason is that the EU charges extra customs on the ability to record from an external source, and SONY would not like to pay it. Someone also told me that each manufacturer has a quota - so one DV input enabled camcorder that comes in means one less VHS recorder for that manufacturer...
Note: The information is to be used for educational purposes only!
A few words:
PC7 tested! - When I test a camcorder, I test it like no one ever did, or ever will. I did not get it form sony, like all beta testers and magazines that are obligated to their suplliers. My conclusions are objective.
READ about:
Video info sites: - The most informative & linked site:
DV and firewire central - DV news, Firewire - the DV link wire, products, tricks and more!
DVC club - DV Info and links!
Videomaker - a video magazine (partially on-line) including:
Video recording formats - types, resolution and more
Video handbook - Technical info- all about video and TV from magnavox - a "library" of articles on video matters. mostly technical!
Fine Cut - all about video movie making.
Video news letter - from elite video.
Personal video homepages:
Commercial sites:
Forums and newsgroups:
To: arik's HOME page
I want to know all about it! Please E-mail: