- The member's section is finished. Two sections
are complete with more to come at a later date. Geocities doesn't give me enough bandwidth to have more than
2 vistors everyday, so I'm looking for a new host. I'm also working on a nice PCC and TC friends
page. My classes and work are going to take up some of my time, but this webpage is more of
a hobby than an assignment.
- The member's section is almost finished.
All the links work and the styles are great. I really enjoy working on this webpage. I
hope you enjoy viewing it.-Scott
- I'm working on adding a message board.
It would allow you guys to leave messages for eachother. My site would act as a meeting
place for my friends. Blogger looks like the best
choice, but I'm still looking into others.-Scott
- Website content is one of the hardest
thing I've had to deal with. I have many different interests so it's very hard to decide
what to put on this site. I'd like to put everything on here, but I know I would never
be able to keep it all updated. So I'm going to include Geology, Astronomy, Friends and Cars.
- After working
with my Dad with his webpage I decided to do some work on mine.
If you have never been to my site before, then you probably wont notice that I've
changed everything...again. I have preserved the page names so
that your links to certain pages will still work. I created this page with
Notepad because of its "what you code is what you get" interface. My older page was
created during a time when I was feeling very depressed. I back to my positive self
and the lighter colors of this new site reflect my curent state of mind.-Scott