Ovidiu Vaduvescu - Virtual Home |
I was born in Romania, where I lived 30 years.
In 1997 I immigrated to Canada, where I lived 8 years.
In 2006 I had to move to South Africa and in 2007 to Chile,
in order to pursue my dedication for astronomy.
Not sure where is my home anymore...
I dedicate this page to the Romanian martyrs from
December 1989, whose ideals are not fulfilled, yet!
| Curriculum Vitae (pdf link) |
| Celestial Maps
| Map of the Sky
| Astronomical Software |
| Astronomical Images |
EuRo Eclipse 99 |
Fantastic Aurora |
| SARM |
Bucharest Astroclub |
| The Astronomical Institute, Bucharest, 1999 |
| Observing Run at San Pedro Martir, Mexico, 2001 |
| Observing Run at CFHT, Hawaii, 2002 |
| Observing Run at San Pedro Martir, Mexico, 2003 |
| Observing Run at CFHT, Hawaii, 2004 |
| IAU Colloquium 198, Switzerland, 2005 |
| Observatoire de Paris, France, 2005 |
| Madrid and IAA Granada, Spain, 2006 |
| Observatoire Pic du Midi and IMCCE, France, 2006 |
| Observing Runs, La Silla and Cerro Tololo, Chile, 2006 |
| Observatorio Cerro Armazones, Chile, May 2007 |
| Observatoire Haute Provence, France, 2007 |
| Observatorio Sierra Nevada, Spain, 2007 |
European Southern Observatory La Silla, Chile, 2007 |
Observatorio Inter-American Cerro Tololo, Chile, 2007 |
Observatorio Cerro Armazones, Chile, Sep 2007 |
Observatorio Las Campanas, Chile, Mar 2008 |
Observatorio La Silla, Chile, Mar 2008 |
Observatorio Cerro Paranal, Chile, Mar 2008 |
Observatorio Cerro Tololo, Chile, May 2008 |
Observatorio Las Campanas, Chile, June 2008 |
Observatorio Cerro Tololo, Chile, Aug 2008 |
Observatorio La Silla, Chile, Aug 2008 |
La Palma Observatory, Canary Islands, Sep 2008 |
| Professional Resume (pdf link) |
| Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest |
| Miron Nicolescu and Ion Barbu Colleges, Bucharest, Romania |
| International Programmers Guild, Mississauga, Canada |
| Financial Models Company, Mississauga, Canada |
| York University, Toronto, Canada |
| Humber College, Toronto, Canada |
| ACRU/UKZN, Durban, South Africa |
| IA/UCN, Antofagasta, Chile |
| Old Pictures from Romania |
| Musical Notes - Cantecele mele.. |
| Pictures from Canada |
| 5 Glorious Years in Canada |
| Romania, with love... (2001) |
| Romania 2003 |
France 2003 |
| York University & PhD Defense, Nov 2005 |
| South Africa, Mar 2006 |
| Romania 2005/2006 |
Greece 2005/2006 |
| Turkey 2006 |
Romania 2006/2007 |
| Our wedding, Bucharest, Feb 2007 |
| Honeymoon, France & Spain, May 2007 |
| Chile, 2007/2008 |
Peru, New Year 2008 |
| France, Monaco, Geneve, Summer 2008 |
| Santa Cruz de La Palma, Canary Islands, Sep 2008 |
| Astro Travels |
| Mirel Birlan (Paris, France) |
| Silviu and Rodica Gheorghita (Mississauga, Canada) |
| Konstantin Yakovlev (US, Russia) |
| Valentin Grigore and SARM (Targoviste, Romania) |
| Mihaela and Cristi Moanta (Craiova, Romania) |
| My Dear Parents (Craiova, Romania) |
| Others (who don't have a website yet) |
Thank you for visiting my virtual Home!
| Email: ovidiuv@yahoo.com |