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last updated:

May 9th

Photo pages (main index)
My photopage - 1
My photopage - 2
My photopage - 3
My photopage - 4
Schiphol Aviation Group
I'm the one top right and reside in Amsterdam-Zuidoost,  a.k.a. the "Bijlmer",  Netherlands.....

....born May 28, 1968 (so you can calculate my age) single and still living with Mom with a younger sister...... On May 13th 2002,
i donated a kidney to my sister. 
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Peter Bakema
Peter van Stelle (B737 info)
World of Wings
I still have a Mom (Jul. 1947), working in the "thuiszorg". The english translation is "home-care" according to my sister.

Currently my sister also lives at home. My brother moved out and has his own appartment  in the same building.

Brother (Jan. 1973) is working in the erotic industry (warehouse) and sister (Nov. 1969) is working with young children.

To complete our household we have three cats and a dog....
Hakfort en Huigenbos
Number-one hobby is Aircraft-spotting, mainly at Schiphol-airport. Also visiting Brussels, Düsseldorf and Cologne in the summer.
Sometimes i visit Rotterdam, but only on special occasions.

Number-two hobby is the Schiphol Aviation Group (= S.A.G.), a foundation which is trying to build a bridge between Schiphol-airport and local aircraft-spotters.
S.A.G. publishes a monthly A5 sized magazine with all kinds of info, related to Amsterdam Airport.  As editor i also write a small part of the magazine and some website content.
As for work, i' m one of the few who made his hobby his work.
I' m a "ramp-agent" at
Schiphol-Airport, working for Menzies Aviation Group. Means i load / unload passenger aircraft..

I also participate in the remodelling-talks of our appartmentbuilding. In english i guess you call it  "resident-participation".

What about a social life ? Well, i have to run into a
nice girl who understands my hobby. Don' mind a movie sometimes.....
Well, friends...

There are some people i consider to be my friends, but do they consider me as a friend ?

The majority of my friends are also aircraft-spotters.

The hobby acts like a link between us. Go places with each other and share our thoughts.....

"That's what friends are fore", to quote from a song...