Year 2000 Computer Compliancy Test Procedure
We recommend that you test your computer for Y2K compliancy using one of the following three options:
  • Contact your MIS department and request that they perform a Y2K check on the computer(s) in question.
  • Download the free Y2K test utility from NSTL This is a small self-extracting program that you can run from hard disk or floppy disk and use to test multiple computers. It is quite thorough and can save you time and many keystrokes.
  • Test the computer yourself using the following instructions:*
               * Updated 3/16/99
1. Power on your computer and instrument.
2. Exit the SensorMedics software program.
3. Access the DOS C:\> Prompt.
If your computer is using Microsoft Windows 3.X, exit (File>Close) to the C:\> Prompt.
If your computer is using Microsoft Windows 95 or 98, do not open a DOS window from the Desktop. Rather, select Shut Down from the Start Menu, then select Restart the Computer in MS-DOS Mode. Your monitor should display the C:\> Prompt.
If your computer is not using Windows or Windows 95 or 98, your monitor should already display the C:\> Prompt.
4. Type in: TIME 23:58, then DATE 12-31-99 (or 31-12-99), and wait 2 minutes.
5. Type in DATE again. The monitor should display 1-1-00. If this is so, power down the computer, restart, repeat steps 2 and 3, type in DATE, and verify that the new date is still there.
6. Again type in: TIME 23:58, DATE 12-31-99, and then immediately power down the computer. Wait 2 minutes, power the computer back up, repeat steps 2 and 3, type in DATE, and verify that the new date is still there.
7. Type in TIME 01:00, DATE 1-2-00 (or any date after 12-31-99), then power down the computer. Power the computer back up, repeat steps 2 and 3, type in DATE, and verify that the new date is still there.
8. Finally, type in TIME 23:58, DATE 2-28-00, and wait 2 minutes.Type in DATE again. The monitor should display 2-29-00. If this is so, power down the computer, restart, repeat steps 2 and 3, type in DATE, and verify that the new date is still there.
9. Reset your TIME and DATE to today's settings.

    If your computer passes all these steps, it is Year 2000 compliant.
