For Sale: Add shipping costs to price BOX OF 57 Audio Tubes in boxes. Most of these tubes are NEW IN BOX unless noted Will sell all 57 tubes for $159.00 plus shipping (Less than $3.00 each!) 12AT6, Emerson, used QTY1 12AT6 Thurow, QTY 3 12AT7, Amperex QTY 5 in boxes AND carton 12AT7, Amperex, used QTY 1 12AT7, Amperex BUGLE BOY QTY 1 12AT7, Bulk QTY 1 12AT7WC, JAN QTY 1 12AT7, Philco QTY 1 12AT7, RCA QTY 4 12AT7, RCA used (may be nos) 12AT7, Sylvania, used QTY 1 12AU7A Westinghouse, used QTY 1 12AV6, G.E. QTY 2 12AV6 MULLARD, QTY 1 12AV6, RCA, QTY 1 12AV7 Dumont, QTY 1 12AV7, G.E. QTY 4 12AV7 RCA, QTY 5 in boxes AND carton 12AV7 Sylvania, QTY 1 12AX7A, Bulk, QTY 1 12AX7, G.E. QTY 1 12AX7A Chandler QTY 1 12AX7/ECC83 Groove Tubes QTY 1 12AX7A, MESA QTY 1 12AX7A, PM, QTY 1 12AX7A, RCA used QTY 1 12AX7, Sylvania QTY 1 12AX7, Tung-Sol, used QTY 1 12AY7, G.E. QTY 1 12AZ7A, Sylvania, New QTY 1 12BA7, RCA QTY 1 12BH7, RCA used QTY 1 12CR6, Standard used QTY 1 12X4, RCA QTY 1 7025 FENDER, NEW QTY 1 7025 RCA, used QTY 2 95-126-01 HotRod (12AX7 style) QTY 1 To buy any item(s): E-mail: 73 from Brian, G3XLQ / AF4K Latest list always updated at: