For Sale: Add shipping costs to price. BOX OF 8 New 6CD6GA Audio Power Tubes in boxes for only $25.00 These are brand new, late issue Sylvania tubes, all in boxes. Perfect shape. These tubes were originally designed as sweep tubes but later found use in some great sounding hi-fi audio power amplifers, like the DUkane line, which would use two tubes in push-pull for about 50 watts or with four in parallel push-pull you could get 100 watts. Very similar power rating to a 6L6 but capable of running at higher plate voltages. These are going for a fraction of the list price to move them out! Will sell all 8 tubes for only $25.00 plus shipping (about $3.00 each!) To buy any item(s): E-mail: 73 from Brian, G3XLQ / AF4K Latest list always updated at: