John M. Zimmerman
69 Gary Road 203.536.6062
Stamford, CT 06903 e-mail:


Information Technology Executive with a proven record of accomplishment and management during a 20+ year career in information technology.  Demonstrated information technology management abilities in multi-million dollar projects. For example:
  • Increased functionality, reduced management costs and improved reliability of a pension plan management company's systems though the design, construction and migration of a data center.
  •  Improved reliability by 90% for database and trading research systems by utilizing high performance, high availability UNIX and OpenVMS environments.      
  • Saved 75% in remote access costs by designing and implementing a network/security infrastructure. 
Professional Experience

Vice-President - Technology, Digitask Consultants, Inc., New York, NY

Digitask Consultants, Inc. is a $5M consultancy and system integrator for Hewlett-Packard, Cisco and Sun Microsystems.  Clients have included Standard and Poors, TIAA-CREF, Matthew-Bender, and Citibank.
  • Planned and executed the conversion from a local token-ring to a multi-site Ethernet network with VPN based remote access for a major pension plan management firm;
  • Project Manager for a major financial firm's data center design and construction; Wrote an internal resource utilization chargeback system for a money-center bank allowing the allocation of costs to business units;
  • Configured, installed and implemented initial UNIX cluster increasing reliability for portfolio management applications;
  • Managed the security audit process for a major pension plan management firm;Project Manager for a major financial firm’s data center design and construction

Director of Information Systems, Gilder, Gagnon, Howe & Co., New York, NY


Gilder, Gagnon, Howe & Co. manages between $5 and 10 B of investments on a discretionary basis for high net-worth individuals.

  • Investigated, determined the need and installed the first Digital Equipment Corporation AlphaVMS cluster on Wall Street providing a high performance high availability environment for trading and portfolio management;
  • Managed two developers, three data entry personnel and the software development and data entry processes;
  • Converted error prone dial-up 2780/3780 bisync Bear Stearns upload process to TCP/IP providing improved reliability and a reduced error rate improving efficiency of trading operations;
  • Accountable for VAX and Macintosh management and operations as well as market data quotations system

Manager, Technical Services, CUC International, Trumbull, CT


In 1995, CUC International merged with HFS International to create Cendant, a $14B provider of travel and real estate services.

  • Managed staff of 4 systems administrators and worked closely with operations staff in implementing systems changes improving operational efficiency reducing costs and exposure;
  • Responsible for the management, security, tuning of two high-availability VAX Clusters and business applications providing membership and fulfillment processing;
  • Accountable for capacity planning and new capacity implementation, network and system security and new product evaluation and implementation providing a reliable environment

Network Manager, Southern Connecticut Newspapers, Inc., Stamford, CT


Southern Connecticut Newspapers, a division of the Times-Mirror Company, publishes the Stamford Advocate and Greenwich Time daily newspapers.

  • Built Ethernet based DECnet network for business operations after evaluating the need for more efficient communications;
  • Designed and implemented data center expansion and moved equipment with no downtime;
  • Developed methods using FOCUS for efficient financial and operations reporting ;
  • Managed operations and network management staff;
  • Created a payroll direct deposit system using 2780/3780 bisynchronous on a VAX-PC pair

Systems Manager, CORSTAR Business Computing, Hawthorne, NY


CORSTAR Business Computing is a provider of core business system software and a reseller for HP, Cisco, IBM and other hardware manufacturers.

  • Managed VAXcluster systems including operations, DECnet networks, security and software installation;
  • Managed technical client relationships and operations for 43 discrete client systems

Programmer/Analyst, General Signal Corporation, Stamford, CT  


Now SPX Corporation, a $5B diversified industrial conglomerate

  • Reduced costs and improved reporting as project manager replacing DECSystem-20 systems with Digital Equipment VAX technology;
  • Wrote 10,000 lines of code in one month for the reporting components of personnel and financial consolidation systems;
  • Selected and administered CompuServe X.25 network allowing divisions to provide financials quickly and inexpensively

  • M.S., State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY


  • B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA


Interests and Professional Activities
  • Editor and chief contributor for CxO InSights – a high level discussion of technology and technology trends
  • Lectured on High Availability in UNIX and OpenVMS environments, and on Tru64 UNIX Clustering methods for Tru64 4.x and 5.x environments at conferences nationwide
  • Chairman of the Interstate Sanitation Commission (NY, NJ, CT)
  • Member of the Stamford Board of Representatives; Vice-Chairman of its Environmental Committee; Member of its Fiscal and Public Works Committees
  • Member of the Stamford Environmental Protection Board
  • Stamford Public School Technology Committee member
  • Sailing, sailboat racing, gardening, home improvement