has brought the ecological catastrophe

Up to 22,000 tons of various kind of bombs and missiles were sent to kill people and destroy infrastructure, industry, schools, hospitals, private properties, etc. for 11 weeks non stop. Serbia had one of the cleanest  nature in Europe. The Environment was ruined, too out of any control. The horrible aftermath will be perceived for all living world in wider area of  the Europe's South-East, maybe in very close future. Here are some of just pure arguments.  Look and think about that.
Jugopetrol's oil tanks after the two attacks at the end of May. That is about 75 m from Sava river  bank in Belgrade
Part of Oil refinery in Pancevo, which is total destroyed after 6 days of burning
Heating plant for 200,000 inhabitants of New Belgrade and Zemun. 140,000 tons of masut leaked to Sava river
Ruined storehouse of local agricultural company in Boljevci with pesticides and other additives.
Contaminated Ibar river near Bogutovac
Tire factory "Miloje Zakic" in the town of Krusevac
Samaila village  on Zapadna Morava river near Kraljevo
Petrovaradin bridge in Novi Sad
Chemical factory in Pancevo, after the first bombing
Destroyed bridge in Priboj over Lim river
Destroyed brand new bridge in Ostruznica over the Sava river
Krusik metal industry in the town of  Valjevo
Adopted from the RTS Web Site:
Let me hear your decent opinion  rasula@beotel.yu
Look at the bridges and polluted rivers. Also groundwater in alluvial aquifers on their banks. Up to 1,500 tons of uranium in the missile's heads were thrown on our pure and untouched nature. Join us, to do something. Let our children live like all others in the world. Help us save ground and surface waters. We just need your good will. Be our guests. Everyone is welcome.
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