Mad Scientist's Tree House

Home of SkyGuide for the Newton

My Name is Jimmy Hong Ning and this is my home page. My wife tells me that I try to do way too many things at once. Hopefully that means you'll find something of interest here.

Newton Software

I have written some software for the Apple Newton MP2000, which I hope to publish in due course. My first program is a planetarium called SkyGuide which you can download from my Newton page.

Electric Planes

This is another one of my passions. Have a look at some pictures taken with a disposable camera strapped to wing of my Aeroflyte Condor.


If you don't have at least one of these in your pocket then you might not qualify to be a real mad scientist. Have a look at the pens that I count on to record my thoughts.

Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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