Welcome to our site. Our hobbies include blues and classic rock,
astronomy, model
railroading, vintage guitars, sushi and kitty cats! Enjoy your stay and
don't forget to
sign or view our guestbook.

My name is Tut Campbell. I graduated from
Arkansas Tech University
with a bachelors of science
degree in education. I love sharing my passion for amateur astronomy with
young people and built
the Whispering Pine Observatories for that purpose and to extend my
science research. I currently
work at Wal-Mart and am regularly performing with my band, the
Kingtut Blues
My name is Jeannie. I'm the French teacher at Harrison High School. I have
also taught English,
Spanish and even German. In the summer of 2003 I took a group from our
school on a trip to France.
Since Childhood I have always sung, and I learned how to play the piano
when I was in junior high
school. When I met Tut in 1995, we joined forces musically at church. We
later married, and now
enjoy not only our music, but also astronomy, as well as our kitty cats
and a dog in our semi-rural
home in the Ozark Mountains outside Harrison, Arkansas.