Long Island Map Lighthouse
The Suffolk County Section of the Science Teachers
Association of New York State (STANYS),
welcomes you and invites you to explore the world of science.

As a local section of the Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS)
we endeavor to promote excellence in science education through programs,
activities, and publications and for science teachers and students.

All teachers and anyone interested in science and science education are invited to become members.
For a single membership fee, you become a member of both the State and Suffolk section.
Pre-service teachers and college students are especially invited to join.

For membership information contact: Alice Veyvoda: alveyvoda@optonline.net

Who's Who In the Suffolk Section

Calendar of Events 2008-2009

News and Events:

Join us for our next monthly meeting on April 2nd at 7:30 at BOCES III, on Deer Park Ave., Dix Hills.
 Meetings are usually on the first Thursday of the month.

For more information contact Gary Vorwald: Glaciergary@aol.com

Did you nominate the outstanding science student from your district
to be recognized at the Awards Dinner in May?
Click here for the nomination form.

Public Symposium on Human Evolution at SUNY Stony Brook, April 21st
Click here for details or visit www.stonybrook.edu/tbi

Did you check out the STANYS homepage yet?

In November 2008, the annual STANYS State Science Conference moved
to the new Convention Center in ROCHESTER. Check the STANYS Home Page for Conference details and photos.
There are also presentation summaries and classroom activities from past conferences! Don't miss a it!

Your complete (and growing) source of Science Teaching and Learning Materials.
(Feel free to send us other sites you have found useful.)
Need more information? Send us email:
Suffolk County Section: scsta@geocities.com SEND Mail
STANYS: STANYSjf@aol.com