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1999-2001 Rick Carver, MCSE - Amateur Radio Station WAØKS
Flight, with FAA Supplement
I have slipped the surly bonds of earth(1),
and danced(2) the
skies on laughter silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed(3)
and joined the tumbling mirth(4)
of sun-split clouds(5)
and done a hundred things(6)
you have not dreamed of.
Wheeled and soared and swung(7)
high in the sunlit silence(8).
Hov'ring there(9)
I've chased the shouting wind(10)
along and flung(11) my eager craft through footless
halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious(12),
burning blue I've topped the wind-swept heights(13)
with easy grace, where never lark, or even eagle(14)
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod the
high untrespassed sanctity of space,(15)
put out my hand(16)
and touched the face of God.
Pilots must insure that all surly bonds have been
slipped entirely before aircraft taxi or flight is
2. During periods of severe sky dancing, crew and
passengers must keep seatbelts fastened. Crew should
wear shoulderbelts as provided.
3. Sunward climbs must not exceed the maximum
permitted aircraft ceiling.
4. Passenger aircraft are prohibited from joining the
tumbling mirth.
5. Pilots flying through sun-split clouds under VFR
conditions must comply with all applicable minimum
6. Do not perform these hundred things in front of
Federal Aviation Administration inspectors.
7. Wheeling, soaring, and swinging will not be
attempted except in aircraft rated for such
activities and within utility class weight limits.
8. Be advised that sunlit silence will occur only
when a major engine malfunction has occurred.
9. "Hov'ring there" will constitute a
highly reliable signal that a flight emergency is
10. Forecasts of shouting winds are available from
the local FSS. Encounters with unexpected shouting
winds should be reported by pilots.
11. Pilots flinging eager craft through footless
halls of air are reminded that they alone are
responsible for maintaining separation from other
eager craft.
12. Should any crewmember or passenger experience
delirium while in the burning blue, submit an
irregularity report upon flight termination.
13. Windswept heights will be topped by a minimum of
1,000 feet to maintain VFR minimum separations.
14. Aircraft engine ingestion of, or impact with,
larks or eagles should be reported to the FAA and the
appropriate aircraft maintenance facility.
15. Aircraft operating in the high untresspassed
sanctity of space must remain in IFR flight
regardless of meteorological conditions and
16. Pilots and passengers are reminded that opening
doors or windows in order to touch the face of God
may result in loss of cabin pressure.