(C) 1999-2001 Rick Carver, MCSE - Amateur Radio Station WAØKS

Helicopter Flight

Oh, I've slipped the surely bonds of earth and hovered out of ground effect on semi-rigid blades;
Earthward I've auto'ed and met the rising brush of non-paved terrain;
And done a thousand things you would never care to.
Skidded and dropped and flared Low in the heat soaked roar.
Confined there, I've chased the earthbound traffic and lost the race to insignificant headwinds;
Forward and up a little in ground effect I've topped the General's hedge with drooping turns where never Skyhawk or even Phantom flew.
Shaking and pulling collective, I've lumbered the low untresspassed halls of victor airways, put out my hand and touched a tree.

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